,0,5658037.storyJonathan and Sarah Adleta's children were doomed to a life of perverse cruelty before they were even born.
Jonathan Adleta, a former Marine officer, dreamed of the day he could have "daddy-daughter sex." After Sarah Adleta became pregnant with a daughter, he said he would marry her only if she agreed to let him carry out that desire. When the couple had a son, Sarah Adleta was expected to have sexual encounters with him.
Inan Orlando federal courtroom this week, prosecutors and witnesses described, in disturbing and graphic detail, the heinous exploitation and abuse the couple's toddlers enduredat the hands of their parents — even after they divorced.
I was wrong. This is so evil, so horrible, it shocked me.
I've read graphic stuff before, seen stuff I can never get out of my head.....I thought I couldn't be shocked.
Some people are so sick.....death is too good for them.