Modern Arnis Schools

michael Cribbs

White Belt
Dec 17, 2008
Reaction score
hi I am looking for a Modern Arnis School in Jacksonville FL or in the area
and also looking for a Modern Arnis School in the area of Sikeston MO if you could hep that would be great

Welcome to Martial Talk, Mike! We have a few posters that live in those areas, hopefully we'll get some feedback regarding a school that teaches the Professor's Arnis. Good to have you on board! :asian:
Don't know this gentleman so this is not an endorsement but he is a MA instructor under Master Bruce Chiu in Jacksonville.

Here is the YouTube site:,
he has MA clips on there.

Also, Master Jack Hogan may be in Jacksonville as well, he might have some contacts too.

Finally, I met someone who studies FCS-Kali who was in the process of moving there as well. Let me know if you would like his info and I will get for you if I can.

Best regards,

Guro Harold
Use the search thing up on the top where it says "Schools". I found 4 in Florida.
Lots of schools in Florida.

How many within 30 minutes of the location requested?
If you are still looking for a good Arnis school in Jacksonville, check out this website Maybe you will be able to find a school around you that teaches arnis. If not you could always google arnis schools in Jacksonville.
If you are still looking for a good Arnis school in Jacksonville, check out this website Maybe you will be able to find a school around you that teaches arnis. If not you could always google arnis schools in Jacksonville.

So is a there a Jacksonville, Florida school listed on the site?
Modern Arnis is just one style of FMA. Don't limit yourself.