Modern Arnis Japan



I am running classes in Japan in the Tokyo preficture. I am at camp zama Japan. If you are into the filipino martial arts,sombo,jkd contact me I will inform you of my Credentials. I am instructing in Nagoya and in Tokyo.
I know this was posted in 2002, but I'm looking for a place that teaches Arnis in Japan.

My wife is Filipina, so our son is half Filipino. I want to get my son into martial arts, & I would love to be able for him to learn an art that stems from his heritage.

I live in Yokosuka. Does anyone know if there is a place near Kanagawa-ken that teaches Arnis?
No idea about your location, but someone from ShinKali posted on this or FMATalk recently, you might try contacting them and see if they have any idea about instructors in your area. They aren't Arnis, but I don't think the FMA community in Japan is all that big.