MMA Marketplace: Evans' and Silva's strangely similar walkout shirts

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
12-30-2009 10:46 AM:If you watched last night's "Countdown to UFC 108," you saw the rivalry brewing between this weekend's main event fighters, Rashad Evans and Thiago Silva. But if you look at their walkout shirts, both designed by Silver Star, you would think that they're good friends who call each other to decide what they will wear before going out.


Seriously, Silver Star? You couldn't come up with something a little different for two fighters who are facing each other? On their own, they aren't terrible shirts. They're just standard MMA shirts, thankfully without gargoyles or skulls.

Buy Rashad Evans' shirt here, and Thiago Silva's here, both for $39.99.

Yahoo! Sports.
Cagewriter is an MMA blog edited by Steve Cofield.

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