MMA fighter wins Royal Award for turning his life around


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member

This is such good news!

This is what Richard Shore the head coach said.

"Last night at the Princes Trust Awards in Cardiff, Tillery Combat MMA came runner up in the Impact On The Community Award. We were nominated due to the work I do alongside the Youth Offending service and the help we have given youngsters in getting them involved in Jiu Jitsu and MMA and keeping them off drugs/alcohol and out of trouble, I feel this is a great step forward for MMA when organisations such as the Princes Trust are recognising our sport.

The main award of the night was "The Young Achiever of the Year Award" this is given to a young person who had dramatically changed their life around.
Tillery Combat fighter Mark Marshman was shortlisted for the award. when the winner was anounced by Radio 1 DJ Huw Stephens it was arguably my proudest moment as a coach when Marks name was read out as the winner.

Mark came to me with a history of acohol and drug abuse and had served time in prison for violence. He took on board everything that I told him and became one of the hardest working students ive had. Mark is now in the Parachute Regiment fighting for his country

He has come a long way in a short space of time and I am very proud of him"

The Princes Trust was set up ny the Prince of Wales to help young people change their lives. For MMA to be recognised by it is a huge thing for MMA and shows what many of us have known all along that we can be a force forgood and aren't what the media make us out to be. Shaky, the head coach, has done an amazing job in a place where hope of jobs and a decent life etc for young people is scarce. On a Brit MMA site where it was announced by Shaky the congrats are pouring in as MMA people are pleased as punch with this both for the club and it's members.

No Master Dan we don't have all the answers but we are trying to make a difference, no one has the monopoly on that.

3 Para is currently on deployment in Afghanistan.
It is never a bad thing to hear of someone taking a wrong turn and then finding their way back out again. Excellent.

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