Microsoft to buy antivirus company


Brown Belt
I read an article the other day about this. They are going to include it with there operating system.....which means now Norton and MacAfee will now feel the squeeze that Netscape and other browsers did when they decided to include internet explorer.

They plan on having an emphasis on email virus scanning to "better" the product over Norton and MacAfee. This is not a good thing for consumers in my opinion. Microsoft already has a monoply even if they won't admit it, now this just puts more strain on the market going against the giant. We should have never let Microsoft get so powerful. In some ways it is our own fault...we continue paying for their software etc.

What do you think about this....
Switch to non-MS software. I'm slowly migrating to Linux. Right now, there are 3 programs I -need- which require me to use a Windows system. I think it's only a matter of time before they are either ported over or a comparable replacement turns up. :)
Kaith Rustaz said:
Switch to non-MS software. I'm slowly migrating to Linux. Right now, there are 3 programs I -need- which require me to use a Windows system. I think it's only a matter of time before they are either ported over or a comparable replacement turns up. :)

I hear ya kaith... the only thing holding me back from red hat 9.1 right now is that i cant find my isos or my burned cds
I'm playing with Centos 3.1 now. Not bad.....

Problem with MS integrating antivirus is that it runs the risk of creating more issues than it'll solve. RIght now, theres a huge number of AVS companies out there who pretty much compete to be the best. Hard to compete when the funding dries up...and that'll make MS sloppy. Competition is good.
The only reason I'm still workin in a M$ world is the fact WineX still doesn't cut it that great for gaming. Considering making a small 5 or 6 gig partition for XP and games, and have the rest Linux.

Though I have been kicking around the idea of giving OpenBSD a try... :D

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