Merry Christmas and Happy New Years

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Vrolijke Kerstmis en Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar !

Joyeux Noël et nouvelle année heureuse !

Frohe Weinachten und glückliches neues Jahr !

Kellemes Karácsonyi Ünnepeket és Boldog Új Évet Kívánok !

Natale allegro nuovo anno felice !

Christmas alegre e ano novo feliz !

Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo !

in response to that someone would say:

SLAVIMO YOHO (Glorify him)

Ukrainian holiday greeting.
errymay ristmaschay and appyhay ewyearsnay!! (pig latin....lame. I know)
Right back at you Rich (and to everyone at MT)!

If anyone knows any other languages, keep'em coming--they're interesting. The sign language one is really cool, MACaver. :supcool:
Deuce said:
errymay ristmaschay and appyhay ewyearsnay!! (pig latin....lame. I know)
its okay deuce, your from saskatchewan, I understand. I think being lame is a prerequisite when your from the prairies, right dan? :p
Nalia said:
its okay deuce, your from saskatchewan, I understand. I think being lame is a prerequisite when your from the prairies, right dan? :p
Ever watch "Corner Gas"? Lameness is definitely a prerequisite.
Deuce said:
Ever watch "Corner Gas"? Lameness is definitely a prerequisite.
Corner gas it the epidemy of life on the prairies in a small town. My husband comes from a small town. I swear some of those people are his friends and relatives :D
Tried to put the Korean letters in, didn't work.

So if anyone can read Korean and translate it to English sounds...

This is Norwegian, as there are alot of those words in M'sota:

Lystig Jule# og Glad Nytt År

メリークリスマスおよび明けましておめでとう = Japanese

圣诞快乐和一新年好 = simplified Chinese

none of the online translators could do Korean ... weird
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva i s Novim Godom (Russian)

Congratulations for the Christmas Holiday and the New Year. :)

I would like to wish everyone on MT a safe and happy holiday. Would also like to extend the same wishes to our troops overseas! God Bless!!!

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