Meet my friend Jules!



Well Kenpo folks, I'd like you to meet my dear friend and trusty Zookeeper, Jules. She's just signed up in here today!

She's a Tracy's Black Belt and an instructor at House of Kenpo Karate School. She also has been known to keep company with Sir 'stacks' when they aren't playing tag-team dojo minding.

I'm particularly fond of Jules cuz she takes such good care of this poor sick tigger, so everyone do be nice and make her feel real welcome, at least for the first little while, eh? :asian:
Join in whenever you feel like, but beware some of these critters bite. Hope you've had all your rabies shots. ;)
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
Join in whenever you feel like, but beware some of these critters bite. Hope you've had all your rabies shots. ;)


I do not Bite! And, yes I do get my booster for Rabies every Year. :D :rofl:
Hello and thanx to all who welcomed me!

I am looking forward to many great discussions in the Martial Arts!!
Hello Jules
nice to see you online, I hope to see or rather read more about what your are up to

yours in the martial arts
Now lets not scare poor Jules off already eh? :uhoh:
Jules is a blackbelt, right? She should be able to hold her own.

Welcome to the forum, Jules. :D
Hey tune
I don't think Jules is afraid of a little bitting. she's has done her fare share of scaring some of us at the dj

yours in the martial arts
Originally posted by tunetigress
Well Kenpo folks, I'd like you to meet my dear friend and trusty Zookeeper, Jules. She's just signed up in here today!

She's a Tracy's Black Belt and an instructor at House of Kenpo Karate School. She also has been known to keep company with Sir 'stacks' when they aren't playing tag-team dojo minding.

I'm particularly fond of Jules cuz she takes such good care of this poor sick tigger, so everyone do be nice and make her feel real welcome, at least for the first little while, eh? :asian:

Welcome, from one Tracy Kenpoist to another, glad you're here!:asian:

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