
It's pretty typical for people to introduce what style they practice and where they are in their training when they post here. It helps the rest of us get an idea of who we're talking to as well.
Exactly why I did this post.

Why would I brag? Real martial artists don't do that.

I feel if I did not promote the school that I study at, you all would not take me seriously in my devotion to the martial arts.
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Exactly why I did this post.

Why would I brag? Real martial artists don't do that.

I feel if I did not promote the school that I study at, you all would not take me seriously in my devotion to the martial arts.
Not a darn thing wrong with what you posted.

C'mon fellas, lighten up. It's the format of being on line that causes all this. If we were all hanging out and training none of this would go on.
I currently study Shotokan Karate under Joel Ertl and his wife Anita Bendickson.

I have an 8th Kyu in the style

The school I go to can be found here
Welcome. I think the problem some of us are having with this post is that as a discussion forum, we have an aversion to its use as a tool of self-promotion or advertising, as sometimes in the past Not that this was your intention. As a beginner, you're probably excited about your dojo and teachers - that's great! So, you took a couple of light hits, here. Just like in the dojo, shake it off and keep going. You can learn a lot on this site and have some fun, too.
Just like in the dojo, shake it off and keep going. You can learn a lot on this site and have some fun, too.
While I believe that the appropriate place to put this information is in the About section of your profile (so anyone who's curious can look it up); as someone who was new here not that long ago I can understand that it takes some trial and error.

Ideally, there would be a simple (1 thread) place that you can't miss when you 1st set up your profile that quickly sets out the basics of the site... or we can all just be patient when someone new comes in and starts working through the self-directed learning curve.
While I believe that the appropriate place to put this information is in the About section of your profile (so anyone who's curious can look it up); as someone who was new here not that long ago I can understand that it takes some trial and error.

Ideally, there would be a simple (1 thread) place that you can't miss when you 1st set up your profile that quickly sets out the basics of the site... or we can all just be patient when someone new comes in and starts working through the self-directed learning curve.
There is. Getting people to read things like that is the problem. The appropriate place for intro threads is the Meet & Greet subforum. Which is where this is.