Maybe it's just me but...


Orange Belt
Sep 25, 2007
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Does anyone else absolutely love being the Uke? Maybe I'm just weird but I love to volunteer to be throw when our Sensei is demonstrating a technique. I find it absolutely fun and it has gotten me very good with my breakfalls! :ultracool
Does anyone else absolutely love being the Uke? Maybe I'm just weird but I love to volunteer to be throw when our Sensei is demonstrating a technique. I find it absolutely fun and it has gotten me very good with my breakfalls! :ultracool

Uh... so tell me, M., how long have you been feeling this way? :D
I'll do it rather than delay the seminar..Plus it shows this up and coming new breed of MA that the older MA ain't afraid to take a fall...
Haha ever since I got thrown for the first time haha. Still love it.

I gotta say... I enjoy learning what a good hard nonresistable throw can teach me but... I don't exactly relish the experience of hitting the mat and seeing stars... I guess as long as nothing breaks, it's OK...
lol Yeah, don't get me wrong, if I get thrown and I end up not breaking my fall correctly, I don't really like getting thrown for about 30 minutes after that lol.
Does anyone else absolutely love being the Uke? Maybe I'm just weird but I love to volunteer to be throw when our Sensei is demonstrating a technique. I find it absolutely fun and it has gotten me very good with my breakfalls! :ultracool

I was a favorite shoice for finger and joint locks when GM Remy Presas would teach his seminars. He loved using larger guys to show that the technique worked. :) It was painful, but I learned early on he coudl feel the tension in you and even if you were tapping he knew when it was too tight or just painful. I liked it as I could feel the control and the understanding of the technique involved. It was a dual edged sword, painful but very knowledgable in the end.
Yeah, an 8th degree at our school Master Gerry loves showing his moves out on me, probably cause I offer the least resistance, or maybe he likes the thump I make when I hit the mats lol
Does anyone else absolutely love being the Uke? Maybe I'm just weird but I love to volunteer to be throw when our Sensei is demonstrating a technique. I find it absolutely fun and it has gotten me very good with my breakfalls! :ultracool
Not to rain on the parade, but could I ask how long you have been doing MA, and how old you are? Reason I ask is, I have old injuries that if aggravated could end my way of life. ;) So, yeah I would love to still do it, but not at the risk of disability. :D
I learn more when they toss me around. I know how the movem is supposed to feel and helps me figure out how to do it.
It is a stress breaker for me. When I am Nage I have Sensei keep on stopping me to correct and most of the times I never get it right (I admit it, I am a bad Aikidoka hee hee). When I am thrown it is always right hee hee unless I break my neck ;)
I enjoy being Uke for my students. I helps keep me on my toes with my breakfalls as well as my rolls. It also helps many students learn the techniques.
I hate to say it but I much prefer being the Banger than the Bangee, if you know what I mean.
Not to rain on the parade, but could I ask how long you have been doing MA, and how old you are? Reason I ask is, I have old injuries that if aggravated could end my way of life. ;) So, yeah I would love to still do it, but not at the risk of disability. :D

I'm only 16 and in fairly good shape, only thing wrong with me is asthma, so maybe its just the teenage thrill seeking is the reason I love it so much haha, I've also been around MA my whole life, but only two months ago have I started officially training in a Dojo. But my brother has thrown me most of my life lol.

I guess the reason I like throwing, and being thrown so much is that (I have a pretty thin build) so I like the thought that a runt like me can throw even the biggest person =D
A good Instructor is skilled enough not to really hurt his Uke.

I find that having a technique I don't fully understand applied to me gives me greater insight. I would not do a technique on someone that I haven't had done to myself. Especially joint locks and throws where if they are not done properly the chance of injury is increased.

IMO, it is needed to enhance the learning experience.

One of my instructors once told me that the body remembers pain easier than anything else. Not sure if that's totally true....

But, I personally find that having the technique applied to me lets me feel what it's supposed to be like, what the opponent should feel, what happens if you alter it slightly etc etc...
I'm only 16 and in fairly good shape, only thing wrong with me is asthma, so maybe its just the teenage thrill seeking is the reason I love it so much haha, I've also been around MA my whole life, but only two months ago have I started officially training in a Dojo. But my brother has thrown me most of my life lol.
Well, nothing wrong with being young. :D But the body does react differently as the decades roll by. I'm glad you can enjoy it. :)

I guess the reason I like throwing, and being thrown so much is that (I have a pretty thin build) so I like the thought that a runt like me can throw even the biggest person =D
Now I find this pretty profound for a young man such as yourself. :asian: You can see from my sig line I believe strongly in leverage (and that's not just because some of my heroes said so... it's from being on the receiving and giving ends of some amazing techniques :cool:). Wasn't it Archimedes who reputedly said, Give me a large enough lever, and I can move the world?

Kennedy_Shogen_Ryu said:
But, I personally find that having the technique applied to me lets me feel what it's supposed to be like, what the opponent should feel, what happens if you alter it slightly etc etc...
I agree, with the caveat that the training partner--if it's not just the instructor demonstrating, and let's face it, at some point we all have to practice with each other, not just the master :D --then our safety is pretty much in the hands of our partner, and this is further influenced by the culture of the training hall. I've worked out in more than one studio where safety was not first, or even second, on the list of concerns. Have the injury list to prove it. ;)

So I'd agree we all need to give and receive, but only in the best possible atmosphere, and only to the extent we don't risk serious long term damage to ourselves or others.
I dont mind it cos I like to get stuck in. I also find it good when learning a new tehnique. Guess I get a feel for it or something.

Also, I noticed its really helping my flexability(especially in my shoulders, wrists and hands) because I often find myself getting stretched out in some sort of lock.