Masters Magazine


Black Belt
Anyone here read Masters Magazine? It's a quarterly martial arts magazine dedicated to interviews and articles mostly about modern time masters of the martail arts. The summer issue has a picture of my sifu on the cover (Francis Fong) with several pages and pictures about him. There is also a DVD that comes with this quarter's issue.

In the DVD, he illustrates a little piece on trapping. Also, watching the DVD, there is a part inside his school, at one of last years Instructor Training Programs where he is talking to future Wing Chun instructors. I can see some of my students in the backround listening attentively to what is being said.

If you get a chance, check it out. Not sure if you can still find it on the newstands, but here is a link to what the current cover looks like.
great magazine! I haven't gotten all the way through the dvd yet,but definitely put together well.My brother got me this one along with a Martial arts encyclopedia for my birthday.
Sifu Fong was interviewed for this magazine last fall. Most of the footage from the school for the DVD was also done at that time. The magazine and everything turned out pretty good.
That's awesome! I'll definitely have to purchase this edition, actually believe it or not I've never seen this magazine before. But looks like a great read.

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