Martin wheeler


Senior Master
I've been invited to a seminar in jersey hosted by Martin wheeler. Never heard of him but it's a 3 day course 220 for all days and obviously not including travel costs for me from New York to jersey and (Channel Islands) and hotel etc it'll be a lot of money. anyone know anything about the guy? This is the poster I was sent on Facebook. Just wondering if anyone knows him or what his stuffs like.

I have driven 15 hours one way multiple times to train with Martin over two days. Worth every minute of the drive. I can recommend Martin's work with out any reservations.

There is a small private training group that has been meeting every week for a few years that includes Dan Inosanto, Marc Denny, and others who have after a couple of years put out testimonials

He has very high level of training in Judo, Kenpo/Kempo (not sure the spelling of his prior training) and Systema, and other arts.

If you go, let us know how it went.
Brian King
it'll be a lot of money.

It will be a huge amount of money for three days, it's also a huge distance. it's not as if you can drive from New York to the Channel Islands. Bear in mind to that's it's in April, after March you may need all sorts of visa to get into the UK so you can get a ferry/plane to Jersey who are staying in the EU ( they are Crown dependencies but not in the UK) but you might also need visas for them!

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