Martin Wheeler Systema

Good stuff, Martin. I don't know anything about Kenpo, but I liked the look and feel of the nage waza. I know even less about System, although I've taken a few classes.

I come from a hybrid of Shotokan and Hapkido, so I'm curious how you describe the cross-over between your two main arts. Does one inform the other?
Thanks for the comments. It was not a difficult transition to make for me, but I did have to start from scratch and forget everything I had done previously to learn Systema.
Thanks for the comments. It was not a difficult transition to make for me, but I did have to start from scratch and forget everything I had done previously to learn Systema.

That's make a lot of sense. It is like learning a new language, you have to unlearn your native language because the new language that you plan to learn have a different set of rules.
Hi there Martin,

I hope you are well.

I actually bought your dvd the other day , so it's hopefully winging its way to me as we speak.

Can I ask when you'll have more info on your London & Paris seminars??

