Forum Update Schedule - Please Read

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
MartialTalk will be down for maintainence and software upgrading this Sunday (Jan 13th. 2002).

I am not certain of the time right now, or the duration of the outage. I'm hoping to start at noon EST and be finished by 3pm EST.

On Saturday, January 19, 2002 the server on which MartialTalk is located will be moved to a new data center.

Due to the nature of the move, we will be doing a -full- backup of the forum at Midnight EST on Friday, January 18th, 2002.

As a result, Martialtalk will be unavailable from Midnight EST on Friday, January 18th, 2002 until Noon EST Sunday, January 20th, 2002.

We anticipate no dataloss, and a much more stable and robust connection.

If you have any questions about this move or the upgrades, please feel free to email or post.

Thank you,
Hey, thanks Kaith!

The server update time happens to be during a day I'm working, and the server move happens to be when I'll be out of town. You're so considerate :)


encrypts passwords in database

new more secure method for lost password routines

more secure routine for verifying email address

usercp and search results now show the forumjump menu

ability to sort users by email address in control panel

userid displayed in admin cp -> edit user

ability to click on a letter in the member list

'search' link not displayed in memberlist if user has no posts

server load and number of online users appear in the admin CP

if only one user is found in admin cp search, then show the edit page for that user straight away

Ability to enable highlighting of Admin/Moderator names on the Logged in Users and Who's Online.

Multiple Choice Polls (thanks to Firefly)

Option to update all user's posts counts to the correct total via the CP counters. Does not count forums which are set to not count posts.

Showgroups Page, groups can be configured to appear per usergroup [ showgroups.php ]

SQL Optimization on showthread, the option to disable/enable displaying the user's online status is no longer needed as there is no penalty for doing so

See who is browsing specific forums with you! Can be disabled in the CP. Only adds 1 query to forumdisplay.php

Mutt's Javascript for find, preview, copy in template editing

new usergroup permission: can download attachment

mark read per forum

getnew/getdaily per forum

In-reply rating

Who voted

Highlighting / formatting of admin/mod/super names on Who's Online ($loggedinusers and separate page)

Added Who's Online to forumjump\

Optimized the mass move/mass prune threads Admin functions

new gobutton template for easy global customization of [Go] buttons on popup menus

home page of moderator control panel now has similar layout and features to admin panel

Thread rating now displayed on the showthread page as well as forumdisplay.

Forum-search on forumdisplay

Many bug fixes. :)

Reminder - Martialtalk will be unavailable from Noon to 3pm Eastern Time on 1-13-02

Thank you!
On Saturday, January 19, 2002 the server on which MartialTalk is located will be moved to a new data center.

Due to the nature of the move, we will be doing a -full- backup of the forum at Midnight EST on Friday, January 18th, 2002.

As a result, Martialtalk will be unavailable from Midnight EST on Friday, January 18th, 2002 until Noon EST Sunday, January 20th, 2002.

We anticipate no dataloss, and a much more stable and robust connection.

If you have any questions about this move or the upgrades, please feel free to email or post.

Thank you,

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