Martial Arts. Politics. Religion.

Archangel M

Senior Master
Dec 5, 2007
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Watch this video. (don't miss the very end)


That move where the guy throws his legs around the other dude's neck to choke him out is the one that wrenched my back.

Looks like Silat to me :idunno:
Im just wondering if I put together a little martial arts video with perhaps come religious music, wore some t-shirts with crucifixes on them...added some Crusade based imagery and maybe some video clips of an anti-abortion protest at the end (to match 4:08 in this one)... if the attention I would draw would be in inverse proportion to the lack of attention to this one.
Im just wondering if I put together a little martial arts video with perhaps come religious music, wore some t-shirts with crucifixes on them...added some Crusade based imagery and maybe some video clips of an anti-abortion protest at the end (to match 4:08 in this one)... if the attention I would draw would be in inverse proportion to the lack of attention to this one.

Silly question. You'd be branded rightwing religious zealot. A danger to society.
Im just wondering if I put together a little martial arts video with perhaps come religious music, wore some t-shirts with crucifixes on them...added some Crusade based imagery and maybe some video clips of an anti-abortion protest at the end (to match 4:08 in this one)... if the attention I would draw would be in inverse proportion to the lack of attention to this one.

Well... Why should it draw attention?

There are all sorts of Christian Martial Arts groups, there are all sorts of military groups that train in Martial Arts, There are all sorts of militia groups that do.

If it was US soldiers training, with some Christian imagery would you have a problem? How about Israeli with Jewish? Or Japanese with Shinto or Buddhist?

It looked like pretty standard RBSD stuff, with different dress and music then the Western equivalents. Or is there some context to the final shot that you can provide that puts this in a different light?
Im just wondering if I put together a little martial arts video with perhaps come religious music, wore some t-shirts with crucifixes on them...added some Crusade based imagery and maybe some video clips of an anti-abortion protest at the end (to match 4:08 in this one)... if the attention I would draw would be in inverse proportion to the lack of attention to this one.

I've seen clips very much like that on the internet. No one is going crazy over it yet.

The fish does not see the water it swims in.
Had some dealings with the guy a few years back. Some of what I know was told in confidence and isn't my place to tell. Here's my general impression for what it's worth.

He's obviously put a lot of work into his martial arts. I definitely wouldn't want to fight him barehanded or with most weapons. But I would not train with him and would strongly urge anyone who is considering it not to.

Silat Sharaf has been through a few incarnations. When I first had dealings with him he was a Black African making his living teaching non-Chinese martial arts in Taiwan. You need plenty of cojones to earn your frijoles that way. At the time he was pretty young and had grown up in a very unstable, violent environment. Way, way beyond the pale for North Americans. He seemed to work hard and be very serious about his learning and teaching which was all well and good. He was a bit stricter and more traditional than most Muslim MA teachers I'd met.

Over time he got more status-conscious and started making religion a bigger part of his style. I was not happy about this but remained courteous. As time went on he started crossing boundaries about his students' personal lives. I expressed my displeasure and reasons for it. He seemed to understand, but over time it got worse. And he started getting more political and more religious about what he did. I cut off contact. Later I looked back in at a friend's request. He had gotten worse, was not permitted to enter the United States and believed that making war against women and children was alright as long as they were Israeli.

From I've seen and heard he's in the same ballpark as the Hutaree Militia. I don't think he's planned acts of terrorism like they had. But he's on a trajectory which could take him there. Stay away. Don't have anything to do with his organization.
I don't know if the music is devotional. It wouldn't come as a surprise. Esthetically it's a step up from the Metal that you find on most RBSD tapes :)
Knuckleheader, the difference is that we gawdless liberal socialist commie fascist islamic jew-nazi types believe evil is evil no matter who does it. It doesn't matter if they worship the same Invisible Sky Friend or look like our second cousins.

Ustaz Hussein and Michael Berry are cut from the same cloth and are equally reprehensible.
Silat Sharaf has been through a few incarnations. When I first had dealings with him he was a Black African making his living teaching non-Chinese martial arts in Taiwan.

Taiwan? Silat Muba?
I've seen clips very much like that on the internet. No one is going crazy over it yet.

The fish does not see the water it swims in.

I don't know so much about the fish and water as I do that some straight, white christian men seem fascinated with their own sense of victimization.
Who said anything about victimization? That is projection from someones own political preconception.

Id have bet cash money that if I had found some sort of fundamentist Christian martial arts video with weapons training and video clips of abortion clinic bombings there would be a chorus of "crazy tea bagging, neo-con, redneck Christian whackos". But show almost any other religiously/politically charged video of an Islamic flavor and......

Hell the thread turns around to labeling white Christian males.

Get real, Archangel. I gave you an honest and more informed assessment of this guy and why it's good to stay away from him. Knuckeldragger started whining about how oppressed the poor White Christians are. So I threw it back at him and reiterated that evil is evil no matter who does it. And somehow this persecutes White people?
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Get real, Archangel. I gave you an honest and more informed assessment of this guy and why it's good to stay away from him. Knuckeldragger started whining about how oppressed the poor White Christians are. So I threw it back at him and reiterated that evil is evil no matter who does it. And somehow this persecutes White people?

I thought your assessment was well presented, but I read Arc's quote as a response to this:

I don't know so much about the fish and water as I do that some straight, white christian men seem fascinated with their own sense of victimization.
Knuckleheader, the difference is that we gawdless liberal socialist commie fascist islamic jew-nazi types believe evil is evil no matter who does it. It doesn't matter if they worship the same Invisible Sky Friend or look like our second cousins.

Ustaz Hussein and Michael Berry are cut from the same cloth and are equally reprehensible.

Hi tellner, I did not know you were a "we gawdless liberal socialist commie fascist islamic jew-nazi types " gawdless fellow.

If you say you recognize evil, thats a good start.

I don't know so much about the fish and water as I do that some straight, white christian men seem fascinated with their own sense of victimization.[/quote]

Hey JDenver, could you elaborate on the above statement in red?

Get real, Archangel. I gave you an honest and more informed assessment of this guy and why it's good to stay away from him. Knuckeldragger started whining about how oppressed the poor White Christians are. So I threw it back at him and reiterated that evil is evil no matter who does it. And somehow this persecutes White people?

What wit the personal verbal jab Willis/tellner? Where did I whine?

By the way. You do not hold a monopoly on having trained with Muslims.

I'll discuss issues with you. But can you refrain from childish insults?

Thanks, Walter a.ka. Knuckleheader...:)

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