martial arts hall of fame


alan libby

what is your thought on the world martial arts hall of fame
Originally posted by Seig

He said all we had to do was trounce you. He told me to bring him back your ears.

You don't trounce Mr. Miyagi! The last ones that tried that, LOST!:samurai:
I think Alan was serious about his question. I belive he is asking for reasons people like the idea or do not and perhaps how a Hall should be set up and what requirements you would expect of an inductee . Im sure some of this may have been covered in other posts but I dont remember which ones .

For myslef I think if there is a hallof fame it should have a permanate home( like the baseball, football, etc. ones) A person should be able to visit the halland see displayes with pictures and biographries of the inductees. In this day in age a viedo or at leastr still photographes should be there.
Inductees should be people voted in and nominated by others outside of there style and system. No inductee should be in more than once (if a person was inducted we'll say 8-10 years previous and is nominated again a addition may be made in his/her biography stateing he was nominated for such-in -suh an honor.
A minamum of 20-30 years experence in the arts preferably one art . If a person is the founder of a system he/she must have taught it or it must have been in exsistance for 15 years minimun befor being considered
ok, i threw out some ideas for requirments if a person could be nominated to a hall. I know many of you might be completly against a Hall of fame completly but throw out some thgouhgts.
to answer some guestions - how i got in was inducted by grandmaster gonthier - in 1998 and it did not cost me a dime due to the fact that - others inducted me - grandmaster gonthier was leader and a martial artist to many - he studied under hogona sensei - and i thank him deeply for giving me a chance to be inducted -

so if one thinks that it cost money to have the honor of being there why yes it does. but so does it to live , it all depends on how we live . -
my reason for asking the question in the first place was to here view points to help better the hall of fame as brother and sisters not to start another dog fest - after all we can look anywhere and find that - lets find the good in all -
thank you for your replys
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

For American Kenpo


And I believe the Tracy folks have one, as well. Unfortunately, there are a lot of "Hall of Fame" claims out there, and while they are a personal honor, in the greater scheme of things, they tend to mean very little to anyone else.

Just .02 for what it is worth.

no it was chinese kempo \ i had studied both - but found that the true to me was chinese kempo - the difference is that the techniques are more true - and the discipline was more of the mental attitude - its a long story but all the arts are good and through the years i have found that we need to true to our selfs

this is the world hall of fame out of ohio - headed under Dr E A Moore.
its not that it means or is a big deal but it where martial artist can go to experience something that is so big - and meet people all over the world . as any org it has its proplems but with good people any thing can be resolved
I don't know how many people here have been to the hall of fame before but I was there 3 different times. The first time I was there someone was inducted and it was definately a big deal. The hall of fame is in cleveland, ohio. There used to be (maybe still is) a tournament held once a month on the first sunday of each month. (that's if memory serves me correct) This was called the cleveland city championships. When someone was inducted they stopped the tournament at x time did the ceremony some speeches then back at it. It was a fantastic tournament and opportunity to see and be apart of at least as a participant at the tourn. and spectator to the inductee. I was there sometime in '90 I've got a few pictures of the wall if anyone cares to see e-mail me off of here & I'll see if I can find them and scan them to send it to you. Anyway from what I remember it's an incredible feat to get inducted with signatures of people, back ground checks into your teaching, students and so on.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by Goldendragon7


If your asking me Mr.C. yes it is a world martial arts hall of fame.
Is it still there I don't know or even if it has been moved by now.
Jason Farnsworth