Martial Arts Careers

Rob Broad

Master of Arts
MTS Alumni
What career options are there where you can utilize your martial arts training? i know we had a thread similar to this when MT first opened but it ended up becoming too sidetracked so I will start a new version of it.
Black Belt Magazine just ran this topic in this month issue
Yes they did, but many of the members of MT do not read the magazine and most of their options seem a little far fetched whe you look at them realistically. Like i said in the first post in the thread we actually had this topic before back when we were below 500 members.
Yes some options are a little out of reach.

Stunt Choregrapher, Bodyguard, Fighting Circut, Stunt Man, Franchise Owner ( OH NO!! McDojo's), Promoter, etc.....
flatlander said:
How about online discussion forum owner?

I have it on good authority there is no money to be made in that line of work, and you will go bankrupt just from buying the all the Tylenol you need.
I ran a martial arts discussion board and I know the headaches involved. The bigger the board the bigger the number of egos, which means bigger headaches.
Mark Weiser said:
Yes some options are a little out of reach.

Stunt Choregrapher, Bodyguard, Fighting Circut, Stunt Man, Franchise Owner ( OH NO!! McDojo's), Promoter, etc.....
I know most of these are out of reach simply because of "it's not what you know,its WHO you know"

I have been trying for Close Protection for quite some time now and it seems people don't care so much if you can handle yourself(or someone else for that matter),but if you can shoot someone or handle being shot at.
College professor may be an option if you are versed in other forms of physical activitiy as well. At the college i attend we have a judo guy who teaches self defense as well as weightlifting.
How about sparring equipment model???? I think i'd be real good at that. Just Kidding.

I'm currently working with an ex-marine who specializes in intensive self defense trainings. He trains executives, corporate groups and individuals in weekend intensive trainings. He has been approached by some female groups to work with them and he has brought me onboard to help him structure this program into a woman friendly course. I am totally loving this chance to use my MA training and getting to share it with others and making some $ doesn't hurt either.

Kenpo Mama :ultracool

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