martial arts book


White Belt
hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has or knows where to get one of Dr.He-Young Kimm's book. it is called Han Mu Do. If anyone has one please let me know where you got it. Also since I am new at this can someone please tell me how to start a new post on this site. It would save me a lot of time and aggrivation. If you have any info please let me know.
hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has or knows where to get one of Dr.He-Young Kimm's book. it is called Han Mu Do. If anyone has one please let me know where you got it. Also since I am new at this can someone please tell me how to start a new post on this site. It would save me a lot of time and aggrivation. If you have any info please let me know.

Welcome to MT! As for your questions...

1) I've never heard of the book. You might try a bookstore.

2) Not quite sure what you mean by starting a new post. If you're talking about a new thread, you did it when you created this thread. Each section has a button that says "New Thread." By clicking that, you will start a new thread in the section. If you want to participate in an existing thread, just click on the button that says, "Post Reply" and you can post.

hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has or knows where to get one of Dr.He-Young Kimm's book. it is called Han Mu Do. If anyone has one please let me know where you got it.

Hi Slammer, Welcome to the Forum.

Not sure which book you're looking for ?????
1.) Han Mu Do: Korean Intellectual Martial Arts Training Manual
2.) Han Mu Do: Korean Martial Arts

Here's where you can get Dr. Kimm's HanMuDo Books at a fraction of the Amazon Marketplace price.

This first one is only available off-line (you can't order on-line, you gotta call a 1-800 number)
Scroll down the page and it's the first book listed under the "Other Korean Styles".

The second one is available for ordering on-line

I hope this helps (and I hope the links work - I'm not very computer literate). If the links don't work, go to and look around.

Good luck in your search.
Dr.He-Young Kimm's book. it is called Han Mu Do.

Never heard of it before but a bit of Webfu produced

"Han Mu Do: Korean Intellectual Martial Arts Training Manual"

And I see you were already given a link so I will not bother to repeat it

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