Martial art movies

Couching tiger hiden dragon was damn good.
If you are interested in Jet Lee, I thought that "Hero" was his best flick. The plot was a lot more interesting than I expected it to be.
OK, speaking of Jet Lee and Bruce Lee, all should check out "Fist of Legend." It's Jet Lee's remake of Bruce Lee's "The Chinese Connection" and is another of his best flics.
Couple of my faves

Iron Monkey (Don't EVER watch Iron Monkey 2)
Crouching Tiger
Kill Bill (both volumes)
The Protector and Ong Bak (basically, anything with Jaa in it!)
Most Bruce Lee flicks

Honestly, there was a station that used to play those old chinese martial arts films every Saturday morning. You know, those great films where everyone can jump over walls, get stabbed 40 times but he still kills 200 men that killed his master... I miss those :) Silly, but they sure were fun.
Jet li remake of fist of fury is very good I would love something like that for enter the dragon.
Would jet li be any good for a remake?
fist of legend is awesome
so is tai chi master
I'll watch anything Jackie Chan
well, I'll watch anything martial arts period...
I wouldn't mind a remake of enter the dragon but I don't think there are any good movie stars up to the job!

and john saxon is to old now!
Can't help you there...I love them all. Samurai, Ninja, Karate, Kung-fu and even Wire-fu. If there is an Art involved it is never bad. It doesn't matter how unreal the movie is, in all of them there is always at least a couple of good techniques well carried out...and they are worth watching the movie.
You are probably looking for serious martial arts flicks, but if you wish to consider something for a laugh (humour), I recommend Stephen Chow's latest movie, Kung Fu Hustle. Shaolin Soccer doesn't have much martial arts, or rather it was just infused with soccer, but in any case, I would recommend those movies if you want a change from the normal serious martial arts flick.
I haven't watched many of the Bruce Lee films, or most of the others mentioned here, I prefer the female martial artist type films. My favourite actresses is Milla Jovovich, I know she only learnt what she needed to for the film (but did it well) but she is a darned good actress and I love the Resident Evil films. I can remember her doing a back-kick in a graveyard in the second one :D
The Hunted with Tommy Lee Jones and Benicio del Toro. Not very pretty but very interesting fight choreography.

Recommended movies:

Jackie Chan's early ones are great:
Drunken Master
The Young Master
Snake in Eagle's Shadow
Fearless Hyena

Jet Li movies:
Fist of Legend(my favorite Jet Li film)
Once Upon a Time in China I, II, & III

Ong Bak(Tony Jaa)
The Protector(Tony Jaa)
Seven Grandmasters(one of my favorite Kung Fu movies)
The Prodigal Son(entertaining movie featuring wing chun)
Seven Steps of Kung Fu(I enjoyed the fight choreography in this one)
Iron Fisted Monk(Sammo Hung)
The Hand of Death(has Jackie Chan on the cover but he doesn't have a big role in this film)
South Shaolin Master
Choi Lee Fut Kung Fu(picture quality is not very good but it's an entertaining film featuring Choy Lay Fut)
Five Fingers of Death(nostalgic pick-probably the first martial arts movie I saw)
Big Trouble in Little China(great fun)
