For years my Kenpo group has successfully marketed to kids of various ages, mostly through the distribution of fliers through the local school district. Although the fliers state that we accept students "5 years and older", the school district will not allow us to include any information which appears to be marketing to parents or other adults. So we have a VERY strong method of recruiting children into class.
The only way we have ever had adults join the ranks is by sitting there and watching, and gaining the desire to learn. This literally took years to get good adult students who would stay, but over time it has happened, part of that being due to my increased involvement and taking over my own class, and focusing the needed effort on adult students. Not everybody seems to realize that adult students are the future of the organization, since the odds are so low of keeping a kid for 10+ years until they are mature enough to contribute.
We still don't, however, have a good method of marketing to adults and bringing them in through the doors. One idea that I've recently come up with is to start printing off fliers and loosely referring to our organization as "self defense", rather than "Karate", as we are a street oriented art. I feel that too many adults will think of "Karate" as a boot camp for kids, where they come to learn respect, conditioning, and cartwheels. Although we definitely teach all of the aforementioned items, except for cartwheels, we all know that that will not usually be what brings adults through the door.
I think re-wording it will help, but now we're still stuck with how to get the word out. Obviously the best words in the world are useless if they are not heard. Anybody have any tried and proven methods of bringing in adult students, or even high school kids? Anybody have 2 cents to offer on the subject?
The only way we have ever had adults join the ranks is by sitting there and watching, and gaining the desire to learn. This literally took years to get good adult students who would stay, but over time it has happened, part of that being due to my increased involvement and taking over my own class, and focusing the needed effort on adult students. Not everybody seems to realize that adult students are the future of the organization, since the odds are so low of keeping a kid for 10+ years until they are mature enough to contribute.
We still don't, however, have a good method of marketing to adults and bringing them in through the doors. One idea that I've recently come up with is to start printing off fliers and loosely referring to our organization as "self defense", rather than "Karate", as we are a street oriented art. I feel that too many adults will think of "Karate" as a boot camp for kids, where they come to learn respect, conditioning, and cartwheels. Although we definitely teach all of the aforementioned items, except for cartwheels, we all know that that will not usually be what brings adults through the door.
I think re-wording it will help, but now we're still stuck with how to get the word out. Obviously the best words in the world are useless if they are not heard. Anybody have any tried and proven methods of bringing in adult students, or even high school kids? Anybody have 2 cents to offer on the subject?