i like mark wiley's book because he is giving attention to people you wont hear to much about. and yes, some of the stuff people tell him is bs, but you know the history of the philippines is mostly what the older people tell you. you cant believe what the colinial masters write in there books. you cant believe what the rich pilipinos with foreign educations write. and old pilipinos tell whopper stories. but it is all part of the philippine culture and if you understand it, then the stories arent too bad.
when a pilipino old man says he killed a gang leader and half of the clan, that means he beat up a ganster.
when the old pilipinos says he was unbeaten in 100 fights and they are all death matches, that means he beat ten people in a row with no losses.
when he tells you there is no counter to a techniques he is showing to you, that means this is a favorite technique and maybe he used it successfully a lot.
few manong will lie to you, but they will stretch out the truth a lot, so there is a good reason to listen to the lesssons he gives you. mark wiley was willing to write there stories and didnt ask for teaching and certificates from them. i believe that is why he got them to talk, and why we all get to hear their stories.