Marc mc youngs "martial mechanics" seminar.. Experiences?


Yellow Belt
May 29, 2015
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Greetings fighters,

I'm planning on going to a seminar in the UK this September from marc Mc young. It's called martial mechanics.

It discusses bodymechanics of martial arts.

Has anyone ever been to his seminars?


Please only reply if you went to a seminar and you can tell me about your experience. I don't need any biased opinions nothing nor on marc himself.
How can you tell whether opinions are biased' or not, is it whether they conform to your opinion or disagree, in which case why bother asking us and telling us not to answer on our site.
Yeah, I have to agree with Tez on this.

If you ask for opinions, you get opinions. No one thinks that their own opinion is biased. People don't say to themselves, "well, I hate Joe Blow, but my opinion is clearly biased, so I'll keep to myself." The thing about opinions is that people have them and they believe them for whatever reasons they have, which they feel is legitimate.

So all you are going to get are opinions which people think are unbiased. Whether they are biased or not, that's for you to figure out.

As to *my* opinion of Marc MacYoung, it's biased. ;)

I have no experience of reading his books or going to his seminars. What little I have read of his stuff, I don't necessarily disagree, but to me what he is saying is hardly revolutionary or overly enlightening. It's more like "Are you serious that people don't already know this stuff?" And I have to say I dislike his puffery and self-promotion. Oooh, he's a wicked dangerous man of adventure and dark mysterious background. Yeah, whatever. Marketing hoo-hah. I find that kind of stuff off-putting. But I don't know the man. Perhaps if I did, I'd find him charming and want to go have beers with him.

He's also got a fanboy base that irritates me somewhat. Any time people gain a cult of personality, I find the slack-jawed mouthbreathers who worship at that person's feet to be the most irritating thing about them. I get it, you worship the man, he's the living incarnation of something-or-other. Now go away.

That's my biased take on him. ;)
I've chatted to him on FB, don't know him though. I find him a deliberately 'larger than life' character, ie he sets himself up as a guru, not an unusual thing in martial arts I suppose. I think he's quite an astute businessman who sells his product well and as Bill says has gained a lot of fanboys who think he's the greatest thing think sliced bread.
If you are training in the UK there's a lot of very good self defence instructors you can train with probably cheaper or at least at more convenient times than going to a seminar. Seminars are fine for introducing you to things but training them so they become part of your 'armoury' not so much because you don't have the time. I also find that so much info is given out at seminars I make sure I only concentrate on a couple of things to take away with me so I understand the techniques rather than have a glancing knowledge of all the techniques I've been shown.
Yeah I know this is not what you want but it's our site and we'll answer because you told us not to....... :D
Okay none of this was any good.

Now... Anyone ever went to the seminar or more opinions based on Facebook chats and cult suspicions?
I have no experience with the man, his writings, teachings (be that in the form of regular classes, occasional seminars, video, direct mind-insertion, etc.) or personality, and therefor I am simply adding to the clutter of this thread.

Please feel blessed that I have chosen to grace your thread with my contribution.

And remember, when I say "it's not you, it's me," I really mean it's you.
I've never been. Read a lot by him, though. I'd go in a heartbeat if I had the opportunity. I mean, why wouldn't you?
Haven't trained with him myself. Chatted on Facebook, other places... but not trained. He writes like he has some good understandings of what works -- and why.

But people I know and have trained with and respect think well of his ability to move, and his ability to teach.

So... if it were me, and I had the chance... Yeah, I'd go.
Okay none of this was any good.

Now... Anyone ever went to the seminar or more opinions based on Facebook chats and cult suspicions?

Well you could phrase your question less aggressively and more politely then you would get the answers you want.

Oh and there's no 'cult suspicions', he has fanboys, fact. As do many 'celebrities', you separate them from the personality and decide for yourself.

The usual determining factors for deciding whether to go to a seminar are asking politely for opinions, seeing how much it costs, where it is, who is hosting and whether he's teaching anything of interest to you. I know he's doing a seminar down south and Iain Abernethy has recommended it so yes I'd go.
Haven't trained with him myself. Chatted on Facebook, other places... but not trained. He writes like he has some good understandings of what works -- and why.

But people I know and have trained with and respect think well of his ability to move, and his ability to teach.

So... if it were me, and I had the chance... Yeah, I'd go.

The best comment so far, he actually KNOWS people who trained with marc and tells me about their experiences! Thanks!

Much better than the Samaritans who try and give me a life lesson over a Web forum
The best comment so far, he actually KNOWS people who trained with marc and tells me about their experiences! Thanks!

Much better than the Samaritans who try and give me a life lesson over a Web forum
Yes well, as old Benjamin Franklin used to say (Ben Franklin, the man, not the paint manufacturer. Sheesh!!). As I said, as old Benjamin Franklin used to say, "a penny saved is a penny earned." I'm sure there is a nugget of worldly truth in there for you. And "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." But I don't think that was old Ben Franklin. I think it was Mitch, the janitor in my old high school. But either way, they are words that I live by, AND YOU SHOULD TOO, SIR! and by "sir" I really mean "fella," just so ya know. There was something about early to bed and early to rise and somehow getting wealthy over it, but the details escape me at the moment...ill get back to you on that one...but either way I'm not sure how it meshes with Einstein...

Here I go out of my way to give you good advice, no gratitude. That's the problem with today's youth.
The best comment so far, he actually KNOWS people who trained with marc and tells me about their experiences! Thanks!

Much better than the Samaritans who try and give me a life lesson over a Web forum

Here's the point you're missing, sunshine. As Tez said, but you chose to ignore, you're new here. You don't get to waltz in and dictate to the rest of us what you do and do not want to hear, commanding people not to respond if it's not to your liking. You get what you get, and if you're not polite about it, you get what you explicitly said you didn't want because you're being a snot.

Clear enough for you?
Much better than the Samaritans who try and give me a life lesson over a Web forum

I'm not a Samaritan, I'm the Jewish mother. Son, if I was going to giving you a life lesson it would be that you can catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar.
Greetings fighters,

I'm planning on going to a seminar in the UK this September from marc Mc young. It's called martial mechanics.

It discusses bodymechanics of martial arts.

Has anyone ever been to his seminars?


Please only reply if you went to a seminar and you can tell me about your experience. I don't need any biased opinions nothing nor on marc himself.
Yes I have been to a program with Marc.
I can only tell you about my experience from my perspective. Unfortunately because it is only from my perspective that would make it biased. Sorry I cannot help you.
New guy. Check.

Broken egos. Check.

Dog pile. Check.

Broken egos? you are mistaking the sound of people's raucous laughter for crying. This is one of the funniest threads I've read for ages.
And the FUNNIEST part is that I said Benjamin Franklin paint, when it's BENJAMIN MOORE paint.

Broken egos? you are mistaking the sound of people's raucous laughter for crying. This is one of the funniest threads I've read for ages.

Complete irrational denial that this is happening.

Greetings fighters,

I'm planning on going to a seminar in the UK this September from marc Mc young. It's called martial mechanics.

It discusses bodymechanics of martial arts.

Has anyone ever been to his seminars?


Please only reply if you went to a seminar and you can tell me about your experience. I don't need any biased opinions nothing nor on marc himself.

Marc lives up in Castle Rock.....I've been to a couple of his seminars.....I've had BBQ and beers at his house....

I can't tell you anything about my experience....on account of my rather positive bias....sorry.

Really. Go-I'm sure you'll learn something worthwhile....especially for as little as he charges.....
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