Marc Laimon on Royce Gracie's BJJ - It's actually ****.

The point is you've got a guy who won't fight MMA trash talking the first legend of mma's skills for losing an MMA match to one of the most dominant fighters we've seen, and during that fighters prime.
Agreed. Particularly in a sport so young and clearly evolving. Look at the guys fighting UFC in the 90s. It's night and day.

Again, it's not what Laimon is saying as much as how he's saying it and who he is. Sort of like the idea that I can scold my brothers as necessary, but no one else better say anything bad! No one will suggest that MMA hasn't outgrown Royce's training regime. It's obvious that well rounded skills are critical to compete at that level. It's that Laimon is very smug for someone who's never stepped into the ring himself.
Lets face it, what has marc accomplished?

Also, I find it hilarious that matt said the sport passed royce by, and now it seems that the sport has done the same to matt. You did make karma wear a condom, didnt you matt?
Lets face it, what has marc accomplished?

Also, I find it hilarious that matt said the sport passed royce by, and now it seems that the sport has done the same to matt. You did make karma wear a condom, didnt you matt?

This is how athletics work. One moment you are at the top and the next you are not as someone else comes along.

I do not know Marc but have met with Royce and he always seems like a good guy!
Lets face it, what has marc accomplished?
Marc has one of the toughest, most competitive competition teams on the west coast. At tournaments he's a very loud, arrogant, obnoxious coach, but you can't argue with results.
Lets face it, what has marc accomplished?

Also, I find it hilarious that matt said the sport passed royce by, and now it seems that the sport has done the same to matt. You did make karma wear a condom, didnt you matt?

Gracies made a name for themselves and their art by bashing other arts, tailoring a competition to showcase theirs, and crowing about how superior their art is.

And now someone is trying to make a name for himself by bashing a Gracie.

What goes around comes around :shrug:

Personally, I don't think there would have been any shame in losing to a younger man for Royce — IF he would have fought well.

I was disappointed, however, that he seemed to forget fundamentals of his own art during his fight with Hughes when those fundamentals SHOULD have been ingrained.
I train under matt serra in BJJ Who was trained by Renzo, and i think any one who bashes the Gracie family and practices BJJ needs a lesson in respect. MMA is 100% different from the style against style UFC of the past and Royce and all the Gracies deserve respect for what they've done. Marc Laimon needs to learn that.
I train under matt serra in BJJ Who was trained by Renzo, and i think any one who bashes the Gracie family and practices BJJ needs a lesson in respect. MMA is 100% different from the style against style UFC of the past and Royce and all the Gracies deserve respect for what they've done. Marc Laimon needs to learn that.

Only the Gracies? What about all the other martial artists and what THEY have done?

While I personally respect the Gracies for that they have done, you are going to be hard pressed to demand respect for them when they built their name up by disrespecting other arts.
i Belive all martial artist need to respect one another and yes i belive what the Gracie's did was wrong but that doesnt mean we should go arond bashing them back. Eye for an Eye isnt right
i Belive all martial artist need to respect one another
Why? I mean, I like it, personally, and all, but it seems that the idea of "mutual respect" is extremely NEW in terms of martial arts. "Traditionally" (as it were) it was par for the course to denigrate other styles in order to build up your own reputation.

Peace favor your sword,
Why? I mean, I like it, personally, and all, but it seems that the idea of "mutual respect" is extremely NEW in terms of martial arts. "Traditionally" (as it were) it was par for the course to denigrate other styles in order to build up your own reputation.

Peace favor your sword,

I honestly liked what the Gracies did. You had a lot of people claiming their style was the greatest and they could simply KO a grappler before they hit the ground, the gracies challenged them, typically made them look completely clueless in the fight, which made a lot of people try to fill the holes in their game. It exposed a lot of people for the frauds they were and let some people see what their techniques actually could do in a live fight. It also brought about another revolution in training methodology, kind of an extension to Bruce Lee's revolution, that emphasized functionality over tradition.

There were some schools training alive before this, but they were nowhere near as common as they are today.
Royce does "classic" style Jiu Jitsu and he was never the best at any point in his life. Laimon would kick his butt in a grappling contest fo sho. Also, I doubt it would be a walk in the park for every "real" fighter to whoop up on Laimon even in MMA cuz the guy trains; he just doesn't have the itch to fight. Grappling is his passion.

Rickson would beat him though, especially with no time constraints. I've seen Laimon beat Monson, Lister, Rorions' boy(Ralek?) and a bunch of other good grapplers and he is very good at mapping out gameplans in respect to the given rules. He often does the fight strategy for many of his mma proteges as well.
I honestly liked what the Gracies did. You had a lot of people claiming their style was the greatest and they could simply KO a grappler before they hit the ground, the gracies challenged them, typically made them look completely clueless in the fight, which made a lot of people try to fill the holes in their game. It exposed a lot of people for the frauds they were and let some people see what their techniques actually could do in a live fight. It also brought about another revolution in training methodology, kind of an extension to Bruce Lee's revolution, that emphasized functionality over tradition.

There were some schools training alive before this, but they were nowhere near as common as they are today.

I also like the results. It needed doing.

But they COULD have accomplished it without the smack talk — their actions surely would have spoken loud enough with it. But then, from what I've seen, that is part of being Brazilian :)

But surely this is a case of if you dish it out, need to be ready to eat it, too. And Laimon, I'm sure, will soon have HIS turn at eating it.

"Ka is a wheel" — Roland "The Gunslinger" Deschain
"The ka-ka that goes around, comes around" — something Eddie from Roland's ka-tat would probably say

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