many things...most are importent


Senior Master
Some of this is just stuff that has happened to me lately that I felt like shareing with you. Part of it is I need help.
On the stuff I felt like shareing part. I HAVE A JOB!!!!!!!!! What sucks is it is with McDonalds. So I'm being paid barely more then minimum wage to take lip from fat women and five year And I have to walk home alot of the time. And it is over two and a half miles away. So atleast I'll get a mini workout in. I also recently broke three boards. Which for my age and weight is the minimum for my next belt. So yay me.
On the I need help part. While I did break three boards, it was after a few attempts. So I would like some conditioning tips. The technique is a downward palm heel. My current conditioning is 60 push ups, drilling the strike, and doing stick fighting with a peice of pipe I have.
My sister told me about the 'final fu' series. I was scimming through the threads I missed and some more on it. But what I don't know is when it will be on. It looks intersting.
Also (and last) I have started to write a story. For no reason other then I'm board. The prelude is basicly one of my visions of the future. Very few end nicly for anyone. I basicly just added a story line to the end. But I have a little problem. a few of the main characters do a modified form of a martial art. Why they need to be modified is long story. But anyways. One of the main characters (named Eriu, if you care) does Eagle Claw, and her faviorite weapon is the spear. However I am not very familar with Eagle Claw, does it even teach the spear?
Anouther character mostly uses the war fan. But I cann't think of a style that uses it. Remember my story takes place in China. So a form of kung fu would be the most realistic.

there yah go.

You may wish to have your character that uses the Fan study Tai Chi which does have a Fan form.

With regards to conditioning, I don't beleive there is much you can do to condition your palm heel as it already has a very nice bit of fleshy padding. You can hang a burlap sack up, attaching just the top, and do horizontal palm strikes against it. The burlap will be hanging loose on the bottom and therefore will allow your strike to pass thru easily however the rough fabric dragging across your skin will develop a slight callous which will help your breaking attempts. To further enhance your breaking skills work on hip tortion and focussing on hitting thru the target.

Good Luck,

CuongNhuka said:
I HAVE A JOB!!!!!!!!! What sucks is it is with McDonalds. So I'm being paid barely more then minimum wage to take lip from fat women and five year sister told me about the 'final fu' series. I was scimming through the threads I missed and some more on it. But what I don't know is when it will be on. It looks intersting.

How old are you? At least in Oregon, if you are 18 or older you can get jobs a hell of a lot better than McDonalds with little or no training. By better I mean pay you more for easier work.

I also want to know when final fu is on. Stupid name for a show but it does look interesting.
Hello, Family first (most important thing), 2nd work/school, than you can make any other priorties. (if you wish 3rd your martial arts.)

Anyplace you work will teach you new things, learn what you may lead to other greater/better jobs...restauants-need waiter/waitess that earns tips. (most places always need cashiers too).

The only way to move up in life is a good education..especially college!

Breaking boards is only a small time you will grow stronger,faster, and wiser. Do not have your whole life in front of you.

SET GOALS FOR YOURSELF ...find what you want out of life..GO FOR IT...Aloha
Lets see if I can answer all of these at once
hkphooey: Thanks for the info on eagle claw. It helps a bit. And like I said, the story takes place in China, so a form of kung fu would be best.
phadrus00: I'll keep Tai Chi in mind. But could you tell me name of the style and the name of the form. And the conditioning is more meant as "so how can I make the strike stronger" I'm not that worried about the calus on my palm.
jbrainard: I'm 16, with no work ex at all. Same with volunteer or anything else. And most places around here aren't hireing, or they are but they only hire people who are 18 or have ex. So, yes I'm the newest slave at mcyd's. And yes final fu is turdy name. It's on mtv2, and there is a discussion on it on a back page.
still learning: Thanks for the encouragement, but again I'm 16. so college, not really an option. But I know what you're saying.
CuongNhuka said:
I HAVE A JOB!!!!!!!!! What sucks is it is with McDonalds. So I'm being paid barely more then minimum wage to take lip from fat women and five year olds

Dude I feel your pain..I've been there..Being a high school drop out the ONLY job I could find was Red Barn Resturants (a Mc Donalds competition up here in Ohio in the 70's) and minimum wage was a hell of a lot lower than it is today and it sucked BIG TIME..Tough it out..Keep pushing and believing in yourself and keep your eyes and ears open for new oppertunities..
Sorry to hear you're working there! At least it's a job. Stick with it for a while, and you'll find something better. I'm trying to think of an art for your book, but I keep coming up (outside of tai chi) blank. Good luck with the job, your training, and your book.
It's a lot easier to find a job when you HAVE a job.

Just fill out applications at everywhere you'd like to work, and FOLLOW UP.

And, if you didnt want to work at McD's... why did you fill out an application?

If your getting a paycheck, don't think its beneath you.
Sam said:
It's a lot easier to find a job when you HAVE a job.

Just fill out applications at everywhere you'd like to work, and FOLLOW UP.

And, if you didnt want to work at McD's... why did you fill out an application?

If your getting a paycheck, don't think its beneath you.

I'm with Sam on this one. You've said it yourself that other places want someone with now is the time to get the experience. The worst thing about learning from experience is we hardly ever learn from a positive has to suck (as your current job seems to do right now). However, just like martial arts and anything else, what you get out of it is equal to what you put into it.

Don't forget, either, that service of others is a very noble profession, no matter what the service.

Learn what you can from the experience, don't eat the food and welcome to the working world!
Young sir,

Maccy D's is a job, maybe not on the same scale as a NASA testpilot but a job nonetheless. If you really don't like it, don't put up with it, go get yourself something that suits you better - and don't say there ain't nuthin' where you are... there are *always* jobs going if you look properly. But if you stick where you are, it'll be a notch on your belt for when you go looking for something else - employers love to see prospective employees having a little initiative and a little tenacity of their own. A few months behind the counter or whatever will go a long way to show you can persist, you're willing to start at the bottom and you're keen to learn and be taught - exactly what any employer wants in any young employee... and it's all moolah in your pocket for buying whatever you young folk buy these days, hehe. And remember you don't have to take any cheek from opprobrious or aggressive customers - that ain't your job and if your manager's up to anything they won't permit it either. Of course people are always impatient - fast food is meant to be fast after all but that's a different issue. Deal with it, let it wash over you, or leave: simple.

Good for you that you've begun to write a story. I'd say beware of contrived ideas though - best to write from what you know - doesn't have to be a tale of a young guy slaving in a burger bar but at least it should reflect where you're coming from. There's no substitute for writing from experience - just like all the great authors did [and do]. Unless I'm mistaken there weren't no interweb in Charles Dickens' day - he might not have been a scallywag running around the streets stealing handkerchiefs but the characters he created were based upon folk he knew. I mean, your story takes place in China - I'm assuming you've lived there yourself or at least have a decent knowledge of the culture or know some chinese folk you can talk to? Otherwise it'll be a little contrived won't it. Write what you know / who you know and using a plot that interests and excites you and don't contrive up something you think would be cool just for the sake of it. But good luck with that. You can do whatever you set your mind to if you set your mind firmly enough [even McD's!]

Hello, If you read about alot of famous business people in the world...many started like you or jobs as a dish washer...everyone begins somewhere. Learn and take the learning to back of your now know one thing you do not want to do. By the way a girl I knew in college (work at Mac's part -time)now runs a MacDonlds and her dream is to own a few too.

If you get a chance find Black Belt magazine and read about "Masahiko Kimura"...Chuck Norris is on the front page...Masahiko who wanted to throw his teacher(was 1st Degree Judo) down because he got scoldings. He took up Judo and fell in love with....the rest is history...he is consider the best there ever was....READ will help you..with your future.......Aloha
Hey Jonathan...sorry to break it to you, MickeyD's is probably as good as it gets for your age. Not too many places are going to hire a teenager still in high school, especially one with no previous work experience. What *will* help you get a better job is to be the best employee you can be at the one you currently have. This will show future employers that you are trustworthy and deserving of more *challenging* work and higher pay.

Also look at it this way: You have NO other financial obligations at this point. You don't have to pay mortgage or rent, utility bills, college loans, car notes, and all that other fun grown-up stuff. Your pay may be low, but it is all YOURS. Enjoy these years while you can; someday you're going to have bills to pay in YOUR name. ;)

By the first job was cashiering at Roy Rogers, making $4/hour. I was sixteen years old at the time. We all have to start somewhere. :)
Hey all.
First on the job note. Many people are telling me to tuff it out, and look else were if really cann't stand it. I know I can, thats my plan. Mcyd's was last place I wanted to work that I applied to. And the only reason I applied to it is because I probably had the best cance of getting a job. After a year I'm going to see if IHOP will hire me. I like it better, and I know they pay better. Not including tip.
And on my story, thanks for the tips. I'm already doing all of it, execpt the location. And I'd explain why I cann't put it mostly here in Nebraska, but that would ruin too much of the plot.

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