I'm not sure whether http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42887887/ns/us_news-weird_news/ belongs in Horror or Comedy over here. There's elements of both.
On that last point, I'm not really sure what Snuffer meant. Stabbing goats in my unmentionables is one of my favorite Saturday night activities. Although how those goats get into my unmentionables is beyond me ...
HARLESTON, W.Va. — A West Virginia man found wearing women's underwear and standing over a goat's carcass told police he was high on bath salts. [ ... ] Cpl. Sean Snuffer said Thompson indicated he had been high and "wasn't in his right mind."
On that last point, I'm not really sure what Snuffer meant. Stabbing goats in my unmentionables is one of my favorite Saturday night activities. Although how those goats get into my unmentionables is beyond me ...