Man not insured because he failed to use karate

SEE?!?! I TOLD YOU! It is with my awesome k4r4t3 sk1llz that pwn dogs.


wow i wonder what his deductible was:hb: and dose it cover any size dog:D
Hello, China's new martial arts? ....the art of fighting against "dogs"..without the biting techniques..

Paw to paw ...when to use hands as legs...nose to nose contacts...

Aloha, It is not size of the dog...but the bite of size of the dog...
I wonder how long before U.S. insurance companies decide to use this tactic?
At this rate, I doubt too long.

Those filthy traitors! They should have insisted he use Wing Chun, a proper Chinese art, rather than a foreign import! ;)
I wonder how dog style Kung fu would fair against wild dogs?

I'm going to insist that i get a reduction in my insurance premiums due to my martial arts training as clearly my l33t sk1llz will make me a much safer insurance risk (barring training injuries, sparring injuries, overtrianing injuries, etc.)

They put the picture of a poodle, but I doubt it was actually a poodle to bite him.
How many here can thing they can actually stop 2 wild dogs from attacking you without getting bit?

Next one will be an insurance not paying someone who got run over by a car coz...he was not wearing a Jet Pack.

Wanna be covered by your insurance? Go out like this :tank: