Man accused of scamming people for martial arts lessons charged with grand theft

Good! That he was caught... guys like him (among others) that give legitimate MA Instructors a bad name.
Key point:
The Sheriff's Office started getting complaints in early 2008, shortly after McMahan closed shop and moved out of state. The members said they were still being billed, and that their outstanding balances were sometimes thousands of dollars higher than the prices they agreed to.

The charges weren't any assessment of his martial arts instruction -- just his business practices where he charged people for services never received or agreed to.
The worse part is that he may have turned some of those people off martial arts forever.

I don't know if it'll turn them off the martial arts forever, but it'll certainly open their eyes and I'm sure that they'll be more leary in the future. I think that if a person really wants to study the martial arts they will pick themselves up from a set back like this and keep searching for another school.
The thing that really burns me up is that there will be folks that will sterotype all martial arts schools and instructor as being the same as this individual which is truly sad.

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