Major Attack on Internet.

Originally posted by arnisador

See this story. This was a widespread attack on the Internet as a whole.


Makes me wonder?




and what did they get out of it?
How - scripts and worms

Why - because they are jerks

Where - from people too stupid to use reliable anti-virus software

What do they get out of it - They get their rocks off from it in the sam eway the school yard bully gets off on picking on the helpless.

Someone go tell Al Gore (You know, the guy who really won the last US election before the courts gave the position over to that guy whos trying to start WWIII) to get back to work and fix his Invention. (He did claim to have invented the Internet..not bad for a guy who cant even spell PC) :D
You have to remember, it was the Morris worm that brought the net to a crawl back in the 80's (I think).

Interesting read that article.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

(He did claim to have invented the Internet..not bad for a guy who cant even spell PC) :D

Actually, this is what he said - "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental
protection, improvements in our educational system. "


sorry, but that one just irks me...
