Hi. I just recently added an abdominal routine to my daily workout. After doing it for a little while now I've decided that I wanted to add a 3rd exercise to the small routine I do on the days I work my lower abdominals. Currently my lower ab routine looks like this:
Hip Raises: 30 seconds of as many quality reps I can do
Reverse Crunches :30 seconds of as many quality reps I can do
3 sets of each exercise alternating between the two with no rest time. It takes about 3 minutes total. However, though I would like to add a 3rd and possibly a 4th exercise for the sake of variety and a chance to alternate them that way I don't get bored
I'm looking for exercies that work only the lower abs because on day 2 I work obliques and on day 3 I work on upper abs. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Hip Raises: 30 seconds of as many quality reps I can do
Reverse Crunches :30 seconds of as many quality reps I can do
3 sets of each exercise alternating between the two with no rest time. It takes about 3 minutes total. However, though I would like to add a 3rd and possibly a 4th exercise for the sake of variety and a chance to alternate them that way I don't get bored