looking for somethig new


warrior within

i have a question for anyone who knows, i have read about jkd and it sounds great. ilive in a very small town in ky. where martial arts training is limited, i do have training in shorinryu and kenpo, but any way my question is the jkd dvds that you can order through martial arts catalogs are they infomative enough to learnfrom

warrior within
I do not do JKD but if the person doing the video is good you should be able to get the basics atleast. Everybody needs partners to define there skills at a certain time.
A dvd might be alright as a reference, but you'll want to spend some time with a qualified instructor. The dvd may provide you with a little general knowledge, but JKD is about the development of attributes. This cannot be done with a dvd. JKD is about getting feedback from your training partners, to understand what works for you and what doesn't work for you. JKD is about aliveness. None of these things come from a dvd.

So, seek out a qualified instructor. Even if it means you need to travel to seminars, you'll be rewarded by the experience.