Looking for some new one steps to add


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
I was wondering if anybody had some new variation of one steps they are willing to share and if so can you post some pics of these techniques?
Ours aren't preset - each student creates his/her own 2 and 1 steps from techniques in the patterns. So while I could give you some of my own, I can't give you any preset ones, because we don't have any.
Ours aren't preset - each student creates his/her own 2 and 1 steps from techniques in the patterns. So while I could give you some of my own, I can't give you any preset ones, because we don't have any.

Thanks we have 8 preset that are tought but waslooking for another 4-6 to add forthe beginners.
Thanks we have 8 preset that are tought but waslooking for another 4-6 to add forthe beginners.

Why not some 'no-steps', Terry—like, the attacker is already in gripping contact with the defender. Get them doing wristlocks and elbow strikes and so on to break out of grabs and incapacitate the attacker? Something that would teach them about going outside (which is probably the safest way to begin this sort of thing) and counterattacking from out there...not necessarily for the very youngest kids, but for the older younger ones, the 9 and 10 year olds? Just a thought...
Why not some 'no-steps', Terry—like, the attacker is already in gripping contact with the defender. Get them doing wristlocks and elbow strikes and so on to break out of grabs and incapacitate the attacker? Something that would teach them about going outside (which is probably the safest way to begin this sort of thing) and counterattacking from out there...not necessarily for the very youngest kids, but for the older younger ones, the 9 and 10 year olds? Just a thought...

That si already in the SD potion of what we teach, I was hoping for something that has been proven to be of use with proper footing and countering when they attack comes froma punch or kick from either side.
A punch coming in from the side... one drill I like to teach for that is to move in close to the attacker with the left arm deflecting the righthand haymakers (and the left arm deflecting the lefthand attacks, etc), and rotating the opposite side of the body from the deflecting hand so that only that side (as vs. the defender's front) faces the attacker, and delivering a hard rotated palm-heel strike to the face with the arm on that side. So they do take a step inward—it's good for them to learn to close the distance, that they're safer doing that than backing away (as long as they follow up without hesitation). Was this the kind of thing you had in mind?
Steal a few from systems like American kenpo. Or do some flow drills from silat. Both will teach an economy of motion that is frequently ignored in taekwondo practice.
I would suggest experimenting with your existing one-steps, but with both participants in natural stances at “talking distance”, the attacker throwing his strike to actually hit the defender. You start gentle and work the intensity up, and complicate it using predetermined attacks, a choice of several attacks, and the possibility of repeated attacks if the defender doesn’t end the bout immediately. This can give some very interesting results, is fun, and very quickly shows which one-steps are “teaching” one-steps (i.e. for learning timing and movement) and which ones are “fighting” one-steps. It’s a nice bridge to the more dedicated SD stuff.

Best regards,

I LOVE one steps. Comes from a background in Kenpo. When you have to learn 174 techniques, you have a LOT of potential one steps to use.....
Ours aren't preset - each student creates his/her own 2 and 1 steps from techniques in the patterns. So while I could give you some of my own, I can't give you any preset ones, because we don't have any.

We don't have preset moves either, it might be worth looking at Wado's Ohyo Gumite though? I know them but don't know if it's any good for what you are looking for.

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I have a few in the curriculum that our SBN uses. Whats your email address? I can send you the text movements.
I typed up something a while back for my own reference. It only covers what I went through before the doctor told me to stop but it might be useful. Look just under the belt colour for a description of what the attacker does for the lower belts. We had 3 one steps you had to learn for each belt level and for most of those the attacker did the same thing each time.

Step Sparring and Board Breaking

White Belt - Board Breaking: Front Kick
Attacker – Right hand straight punch to shoulder for all of them.

Left hand inside->outside block. Step forward, mid punch with right hand.

Left hand inside->outside block. Step forward, chop to neck with right hand.

Left hand inside->outside block. Step forward, neck chop with right hand followed by elbow strike to face with right hand.

Yellow Belt – Board Breaking: Side Kick
Attacker – Right hand straight punch to shoulder for all of them.

Right hand right->left block across body. Continue the spin round and elbow strike with left elbow to chest. Right hand braces left hand during strike.

Left hand block across body left->right. Side step to the left and forward a bit. Right hand punch to kidneys followed quickly by left hand punch to same spot.

Left hand inside->outside block. Step forward and elbow strike chin. Elbow moves low->high vertically.

Orange Belt Low – Board Breaking: Jump Side Kick

Attacker – Grab their left wrist with your right hand.
Left hand, open hand suddenly and flip up and away from you, pivot at the elbow. Right hand, mid punch.

Attacker – Shake hands (both use right hand) and pull them towards you.
Right hand pull them towards you. Left hand slap to head and then curl under arm. Right hand, grab wrist and break arm in a downwards move.

Attacker – Right hand straight punch to shoulder.
Step forward with right foot, double hand motion. Left hand knife hand block, right hand chop to neck. Now bring right foot back to left foot while grabbing arm with left hand, bring right hand back to your own neck. Pull arm towards you while right hand gives neck chop sliding down arm.

Orange Belt High– Board Breaking: Jump Side Kick

Attacker – Right hand straight punch to shoulder.
Step forward with right foot, twist slightly, double hand movement. Left hand knife hand block, right hand neck chop. Left hand grab arm, right hand get behind neck. Pull head down and raise right knee to connect.

Attacker – Right hand straight punch to shoulder.
Step forward with right foot over their lead leg. Right hand under their arm and grab their elbow. Left hand grab their wrist. Fold their arm and then push upwards on their elbow and down on their wrist. Straighten right leg to knock their leg and bring them to the ground. Finish with a right foot stomp.

Attacker – Grab belt with right hand.
Fold right arm under their arm, long sweeping movement and step forward with the left foot so that you are behind them. Use your right arm twisting round to push their shoulder down and bring them down to the ground. Left hand on their elbow as you bring them down. Use your left hand to knife chop to their neck.

Green Belt Low – Board Breaking: Axe Kick
Attacker – Right hand straight punch to shoulder for all of them.

Step forward with right foot, twist slightly, double hand movement. Left hand knife hand block, right hand neck chop. Grab arm with left hand during block, go down on right knee, grab ankle and pivot attacker over onto their back. Still keeping hold of their arm, stand up and punch in stomach.

Block with right hand (inner->outer) and grab their arm. Step out to the left in a long stance and use right foot to kick their knee.

Block with right hand (inner->outer) and step forward with left leg. Left foot must end up to the right hand side of the attackers lead foot (as we face it). Pull their arm towards you, put left hand on shoulder and bend them over. Knee in face/chest.
Green Belt High – Board Breaking: Axe Kick
Attacker – Right hand straight punch to shoulder for all of them.

Raise left leg and hook kick (inner->outer) their arm out of the way. Side kick to chest with right leg.

Raise right leg and hook kick (inner->outer) their arm out of the way. High roundhouse to the head with the left leg.

Raise right leg and roundhouse their arm out of the way. Still keeping right leg in the air, turn and side kick the chest.