Looking for Instructors



Any instructors of Silat or Kuntao in Wisconsin? I am curious because I've had some exposure to video of Willem DeThouars and some of his students and am thoroughly impressed. However, I've not been able to locate any indonesian system practitioners in my fine city or state. :waah:
Was there a specific style you were looking for? There is a list of Mande Muda certified instructors here.
OUMoose said:
Was there a specific style you were looking for? There is a list of Mande Muda certified instructors here.
No, not a specific system. Just looking to see if there's anyone at all in Wisconsin.

There are at least three different study groups there in Wisconsin and up until October of '03 I taught a regular silat school in Oshkosh - the only "all silat school" in Wisconsin that I know of.

There is one study group in Milwaukee that has just gotten started (though I have done several seminars and personal training sessions with the leaders prior to this) and two others in the Oshkosh and Appleton areas.

This summer I will be doing at least a one day seminar - probably in Milwaukee, but I may try to do a two day mini-camp there. Additionally, this fall I will be doing a training camp in Florida. I may even be able to get Tuhan Mike Sayoc to participate since it will likely be at his school or his house.

Sean Stark

Guru Pencak Silat Pertempuran
Prajurit Persaudaran
SilatJunkie said:

There are at least three different study groups there in Wisconsin and up until October of '03 I taught a regular silat school in Oshkosh - the only "all silat school" in Wisconsin that I know of.

There is one study group in Milwaukee that has just gotten started (though I have done several seminars and personal training sessions with the leaders prior to this) and two others in the Oshkosh and Appleton areas.

This summer I will be doing at least a one day seminar - probably in Milwaukee, but I may try to do a two day mini-camp there. Additionally, this fall I will be doing a training camp in Florida. I may even be able to get Tuhan Mike Sayoc to participate since it will likely be at his school or his house.

Sean Stark

Guru Pencak Silat Pertempuran
Prajurit Persaudaran

Thanks Sean. Any chance you could e-mail me any info you have on the Milwaukee group? My address is [email protected]

I will forward your email onto one of the study group leaders and let her contact you.

Hormat saya

Guru Pencak Silat Pertempuran
Prajurit Persaudaraan