Lonely hearts Facebook "soldier" scam


Beating you all over those fries!
MT Mentor
As a corollary to Pam's thread, I came across this today ...

Army Sgt. James Hursey, 26, discharged and sent home from war in Iraq to nurse a back injury, found a page with his photos on Facebook — on a profile that wasn't his. It was fake, set up by someone claiming to be an active-duty soldier looking for love.
Military officials say they've seen hundreds of similar cases in the past several years. Some of the impersonators have even used photos of soldiers who have died overseas.
The impersonator using Hursey's photos portrayed himself as a soldier named "Sergent (sic) Mark Johnson." The fake followed the same steps every time: Send a friend request, immediately express undying love and affection, and ask for money.

I guess it was just a matter of time ... * sigh *
Yeah, it's an interesting flip side to the "fake war hero" racket. It would be interesting to see the same office investigating and prosecuting both types of scams since they're based on the same lie... but this would probably come under mail fraud. I smell a made-for-TV movie in the making! :-)

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