Local Martial Artist Brings Home the Gold

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Local Martial Artist Brings Home the Gold
July 14th Taiyuan, Shanxi Province China Last week the 3rd Yang Family Style Tai Chi Chuan International Invitational Tournament was held, overseen by Grand Master Yang Zhen Duo the 4th Generation Grand Master of the Yang Family Style. The event is held once every five years and is open to masters and students alike. This year the tournament attracted over 3,500 competitors from both China and across the world. The opening and closing ceremonies included special martial arts displays by the Grand Masters of each of the main Tai Chi Styles.

[FONT=&quot]Representing Buffalo was Sifu Robert Gott, owner of The Red Dragon School of Martial Arts and the Yang Chengfu Tai Chi Center of Buffalo, located in the McKinley Mall. Sifu Gott brought home a Gold medal for his execution of the 49 Movement open-hand form, a Gold medal for the 67 Movement sword form, and a Silver medal for his Saber form performing in a field of 25 competitors including three local Chinese Masters.

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Red Dragon @ McKinley Mall 822-0222 www.reddragonschool.net[/FONT]


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