List of Dangerous Sports


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Nice article about the most "dangerous" sports as per number of injuries reported. I had to grin that Martial Arts and Caving weren't among the top 10 :D

Most Hazardous Sports
By Allison Van Dusen, Jun 5, 7:01 pm EDT

For sports lovers, summertime is play time. The season signals months of sun-filled bike rides in the park, rounds of golf with friends or even taking on colleagues in the corporate softball league.

Fun as all these sports may be, however, each comes with its own set of hazards.

“We get excited about extracurricular activities, summer and spring activities, and our competitive nature comes out,” says Dr. Marcus Roux, orthopedic surgeon on the medical staff at Baylor Medical Center at Waxahachie. “We tend not to think about the danger or possible ramifications of sports.”

In Pictures: Most Hazardous Sports

But given the statistics on sports-related injuries sending Americans to emergency rooms each year, experts say it’s a topic that deserves more attention.

What other sport do you do besides MA (no drinking is NOT a sport... sorry)?
Are any of the top 10 listed among those that you (or your kids) participate in?
What do you/they do to try and minimize the risk of injury? Or is getting hurt just part of the game/sport?

With caving you don't WANT to get hurt. It's a bad place to have it happen. For one it's dirty and for another because of the temperature it's very easy to get hypothermic which in-of-by-itself is a killer if not treated quick enough. Getting out is hard enough without adding an injury to it and if it's serious enough a couple of dozen or more people have to risk their necks getting you out. No, we try to be as safe as possible and learn "self-rescue" techniques so that more people aren't put at risk.
It didn't surprise me; when I first got insurance for my class, the agent very apologetically told me that basketball had the highest injury rate, but had lower insurance rates because it was technically a "non-contact" sport - and that was 9 years ago. I guess it hasn't changed.
I stay away from just about all other sports. The OCCASSIONAL game of ultimate frisbee....but I don't like dealing with the team. Mainly because I don't like being responsible for lost points, etc. If it is just me...I'm only competing against myself and no one can blame me.

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