Lisbeth Salander, Libertarian heroine?


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Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
An interesting column about the Swedish mysteries, THe girl with the dragon tattoo, and its sequals. The author makes the point that though the author was a committed leftist, his main character Lisbeth Salander was a hero for the individual against the corrupt group.

From the article:

In short, Salander is as close to an avenging angel libertarianism is ever likely to get, and her presence in the novels throws the books’ politics into a bizarre contradiction. Far from the left-wing bromide in favor of democratic socialism it appears to be, the Millennium trilogy, as Ian MacDougall has pointed out in the leftist journal n+1, often appears on second glance like a calculated and relentless evisceration of the Swedish welfare state.
Interesting take. It went over my head at the time I read the first book and saw the films, but actually, I think that analysis is spot on!

Perhaps Larsson is a representative of a culture that outwardly intones the socialist party line, but inwardly wishes things were different? The Blomkvist/Salander duality is a great illustration of those conflicting sets of beliefs. Perhaps Larsson did this intentionally as a way to effect change in the hearts and minds of his countrymen.