Archangel M
Senior Master
What gives is... if you think these polling agencies dont have a political slant you are a sucker.
I think there is a "make it look like its a landslide and more swing voters will vote for the winning horse" thing going on here. But thats just me.
But just as journalists nationwide were starting to write their landslide stories, in comes this week's AP poll ... with McCain behind by just one point. That might as well be a tie. If you factor in the margin of error, then McCain could actually be ahead.
If the AP poll was the 1 in a McCain 1-2 punch, then in came the IBD/TIPP Poll with it's left hook. It too had McCain down by 1, with the momentum among key voting blocks going to the Republican. This from the polling firm who says they were the "Most Accurate Pollster" of the 2004 election.
Weird thing is, these polls came out at the same time other major polls showed Obama with a double-digit lead.
So, what gives?
What gives is... if you think these polling agencies dont have a political slant you are a sucker.
I think there is a "make it look like its a landslide and more swing voters will vote for the winning horse" thing going on here. But thats just me.