Lets see Jack Osbourne take on this fighter...

still learning said:
Hello, Great video...thank-you for sharing that..........awesome...Aloha

Ya I thought everyone might like that one...
Thanks for sharing... shoot, I'D not want to take on that fighter! hehe.. pretty brutal
Ah but give the kid a little credit, at least he is trying to better himself. I saw him in the tonight show I think it was a few days ago and he looked slimmer, was talking about how he needed to change his life around. Gosh, two years ago on that MTV show they had he said how he didnt have to change for anyone cause of whom he was. So it seems Muay Thai has had a positive influence on young Mr. Osbourne.
pramuk!!!he's one of my fav fighters at the moment....hes an..interesting charater to say the least last time I saw him he got beat by Andy Souwer in the k-1 max tournment last year.check more videos of him on google vids.
On the travel channel last night the showed him training and his fight I must say I'll give it up for him he did everyhing that was ask of him. I know he fought a mear image of a man but with only a month of training good job.
Don't get me wrong, I give props to the spoiled kid that gets his stardom from poppa. From what he was to what he became is a huge difference and not many people can do that, nevermind the people that get everything given to them.
Just the fact of him actually doing something of himself and have that goal to climb that huge mountain is good enough.

Its definately hard work, I wonder how much mom and pop need to dish out to keep those two trainers from leaving him crying on the side of the road....