Leo Giron De Fondo Videos


Master Black Belt
Feb 22, 2002
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
Has anybody seen these? I borrowed the first 2 tapes in this series from a friend who studied with the Bahala Na group for a while and was quite pleased. At first I thought it was very basic (easy) if you will compared to other FMAs I've seen. However, the more I watched it, I really came to appriciate its simplicity and effectiveness. You can almost picture Giron moving through the jungles as the point man in his bolo batallion using these techniques. Tony Somera does a great job describing the translations from stick to bolo. Giron still moved well considering his age.

I'm sorry for bringing up this old post but I'm really looking for some reviews of the tapes since I'm thinking of buying all 12. - Pretty expensive considering I live in Germany (shipping, fees, ...).

So if anyone saw the tapes, pls tell me what you think about them.
I have seen and analyzed a couple of GM Leo Giron's videos. I find them simple and straight to the point. If you are after such type of teaching go for it. As Arnisandyz said it was well explained. Also you get a treat of seeing GM Giron and GM Tony Somera in one video and their movements and explaination of their arts. Straight from the source. At first I thought it to be slow. For me it was. But the information and the authenticity of the movement came first hand from the originators.
go for it. Hope this helps.