Leis and Lies: Why Hawaii and Iraq are Birds of a Feather

Bob Hubbard

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Leis and Lies: Why Hawaii and Iraq are Birds of a Feather

How the American government invaded a foreign country for its own purposes and got away with it... Aloha from Hawaii.
By Matt Hutaff Apr 5, 2004

A group of wealthy industrialists conspiring to topple a nation's government for their own selfish interests is hardly surprising. Given the “corporate sponsorship” of the current presidential administration as well as Dick Cheney's ties to Halliburton, it's clear that companies such as Enron work best when they call the shots in the White House.

The current situation in Iraq is one example. Hawaii, supposedly our 50th state, is another.

The story of how Hawaii was overthrown and passed to the American government like a two-dollar whore is one of the saddest ongoing act in modern U.S. history. Hawaiian independence is something few Americans know little about because the truth is disturbing, and most would prefer to keep Hawaii's image one of tourism, of hula dances and coconut milk.

The fact is, however, that Hawaii is not legally a state and never has been. It was conquered clandestinely by a group of sugar peddlers looking to eliminate their export tariff, and passed into America's hands illegally. That problem has never been rectified.

It's time to change that.
..... [FULL STORY]
Hawaii Independence HomePage : http://hawaii-nation.org/

I've seen reference to this stuff before, and believe Clinton signed something basically saying 'yup, its true and were really sorry' during his second term. Can anyone from Hawaii verify this movement is as noticable as it seems from these bits?
They've been talking about this since I was a kid. There are some cool books and pamphlets on the history of Hawaii with respect to it being shang-hai'd into the union by white industrialists (Hilo Hatties has a couple...don't know if they have a website). What the living locals miss is that it woulda happened sooner or later. And, at the risk of pissing a bunch of them off, Hawaii would not be able to define it's independent self well enough to support itself. The more extreme independence activists are for nationalizing all foreign holdings on the islands (the hotels, bases, etc.), then driving out all non-native Hawaiians. That would pretty much alienate anyone who knew how to run the economy, and start a whole argument about "who is Hawaiian?" that would start an immediate civil war right in their new republic...with devastatig economic and humanitarian consequences (what was that movie about the Nazi leadership meeting in a palace to define what constituted a Jew, so they could institute the Final Solution with pre-determined exceptions? The Hawaiian bloodlines are so mixed, this definition would be perpetually evasive).

The US, for better or worse, is not about to abdicate ownership of a major real-estate and strategic holding because the aboriginals can prove conspiracy and indenturement. If that were the case, there would be small nations within our borders populated by red folk living on their own terms and protecting their borders with thier own militaries, and not reservations being poorly run by the BIA.

Just a thought.

What happens hapens. It has been part of the US for a while. It's been a state since ummm 1959 I think.
It was annexed by the Us a bit before 1900 if I recall correctly.
I don't think the US is ruling over Hawaii to tyrantically. Although I have never been there to see first hand. Now if any one wants to pay to send me to Hawaii I'll say what ever they want me to say.
1. Oh goody: "We want to welcome Iraq, our 53rd State."

2. This is hardly an isolated example: as always, see Mark Twain, "To the People Sitting in Darkness."

3. This kind of crap is precisely why they love us so much in Cuba, the Philippines, Okinawa, Puerto Rico, etc.

4. If you have certain kinds of clothers/goods that say "Made In America," they may very well have been made on, say, Guam. This is apparently because Guam, still our, "protectorate," is among others exempt from most US labor and environmental laws. Nice, eh?

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