Legal in the U.K.?


Senior Master
Aug 14, 2013
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Im not sure about this but I heard somewhere that in the U.K. that handguns are not banned per se but rather a gun has to have over a certain barrel length and over a certain overall length to be legal and with the minimum requirements for barrel length and overall length, anything you can get would be too long to be called a handgun. As I am not from the U.K. and not overly familiar with their regulations I am not sure of this but Im wondering, would this be legal in the U.K.?
Im not sure about this but I heard somewhere that in the U.K. that handguns are not banned per se but rather a gun has to have over a certain barrel length and over a certain overall length to be legal and with the minimum requirements for barrel length and overall length, anything you can get would be too long to be called a handgun. As I am not from the U.K. and not overly familiar with their regulations I am not sure of this but Im wondering, would this be legal in the U.K.?
..of course, that guy may be simply a very very small person! :D

Here is the actual fact of firearm ownership in UK if you are interested. If you even check the first parts (para 1.4 etc.) you will see how gun ownership in the UK differs from USA.
As I am not from the U.K. and not overly familiar with their regulations I am not sure of this but Im wondering, would this be legal in the U.K.?

so why do you want to know? More pro gun and how awful the UK is about gun ownership?
so why do you want to know? More pro gun and how awful the UK is about gun ownership?

No I just like to do research. And I though this might be a bit humorous. As for how the UK is about gun ownership or any of their other laws I don't care. After all I don't live there. If they're happy with how things are there than good for them.
No I just like to do research. And I though this might be a bit humorous. As for how the UK is about gun ownership or any of their other laws I don't care. After all I don't live there. If they're happy with how things are there than good for them.

Ok fair enough, I hope anyone else posting also bears that in mind.
Ok fair enough, I hope anyone else posting also bears that in mind.
Frankly, this is the majority view in the US, in my experience. Yes, there's a very vocal fringe that thinks the 2nd Amendment (the part of our Constitution that has been used to guarantee the right of gun ownership) is the only good way. Most, however, know that different cultures are okay, and at worst simply don't want to live there.
Frankly, this is the majority view in the US, in my experience. Yes, there's a very vocal fringe that thinks the 2nd Amendment (the part of our Constitution that has been used to guarantee the right of gun ownership) is the only good way. Most, however, know that different cultures are okay, and at worst simply don't want to live there.

You should have been here a couple of years ago, dear me the posts about guns and the countries that don't have the same laws! I think your 'very vocal fringe' were mostly members here at that time. :cool:
I could see the thread veering off again which luckily would have meant it being closed down on the 'no politics' rule here now.
Yes, there's a very vocal fringe that thinks the 2nd Amendment (the part of our Constitution that has been used to guarantee the right of gun ownership) is the only good way. Most, however, know that different cultures are okay, and at worst simply don't want to live there.

Could you define 'vocal fringe'?

As for how the UK is about gun ownership or any of their other laws I don't care. After all I don't live there. If they're happy with how things are there than good for them.

I would think that most are quite happy. Well, except the ones that have been the victims of violent crime. They may not be quite as happy now that they've been denied a means of self-defense. However, the Queen and PM and other government officials set a good example by having their bodyguards also go unarmed.
"now"? You make this sound like a new development

I don't think you ever saw The Study' then in full vitriolic flow then? No politics is a fairly new thing here, guess it depends how long you've been here lol.
"now"? You make this sound like a new development

Not at all, you could substitute the word 'now' for 'once' as in 'once they've become a victim'. I trained with Peter Boatman back circa 2000 give or take. At the time he was the Chief Inspector of the North Hamptonshire P.D.. He was showing the level of edged weapon violence in G.B. with footage of people in the larger cities standing at bus stops and people for no reason running up and stabbing/slashing them. These folks weren't allowed many tools of a defensive nature to stop the threat before or as it happened.
Im not sure about this but I heard somewhere that in the U.K. that handguns are not banned per se but rather a gun has to have over a certain barrel length and over a certain overall length to be legal and with the minimum requirements for barrel length and overall length, anything you can get would be too long to be called a handgun. As I am not from the U.K. and not overly familiar with their regulations I am not sure of this but Im wondering, would this be legal in the U.K.?

It is like that in Australia. So you cant saw the end off your shottie and conceal it.
Could you define 'vocal fringe'?

I would think that most are quite happy. Well, except the ones that have been the victims of violent crime. They may not be quite as happy now that they've been denied a means of self-defense. However, the Queen and PM and other government officials set a good example by having their bodyguards also go unarmed.

You fixed violent crime?

When did that happen?
And we are off on the bash the Brit's laws again just as I said. Perhaps the mods might like to stop it before it goes too far.
And we are off on the bash the Brit's laws again just as I said. Perhaps the mods might like to stop it before it goes too far.

I don't see where anyone has bashed British law. It is a fact that edged weapon violence has reached an unacceptable level when people are attacked while simply waiting for a bus. That is from British law enforcement sources and caught on camera(s). No bash, simply fact.
I don't see where anyone has bashed British law. It is a fact that edged weapon violence has reached an unacceptable level when people are attacked while simply waiting for a bus. That is from British law enforcement sources and caught on camera(s). No bash, simply fact.

Actually that's bollocks. Violence has not reached an 'unacceptable' level, and people aren't attacked at bus stops in the manner you describe. We have had knife attacks, one was a Muslim who was killed by another for 'heresy' but most are gang members against gang members with young people mostly being the victims though not all victims were gang members. Knife crime however is going down, it remains the domain of the gangs who are always going to be a problem as the US knows and everyone stands at bus stops now waiting for buses nothing else. You have grasped the wrong end of the stick and it's the shitty end. Perhaps this can explain what you think you know. I notice that you don't quote your sources, please, you don't live or work here you actually have no idea what is happening here, I suspect you also believe our cities have no go areas for non Muslims too ( a hint, they really don't)
Whatever happened to London's knife-crime epidemic?
"While there are myriad statistics available to paint whatever picture you want, most criminologists agree that violent crime has been in persistent decline since the mid-1990s."
Actually that's bollocks. Violence has not reached an 'unacceptable' level, and people aren't attacked at bus stops in the manner you describe. We have had knife attacks, one was a Muslim who was killed by another for 'heresy' but most are gang members against gang members with young people mostly being the victims though not all victims were gang members. Knife crime however is going down, it remains the domain of the gangs who are always going to be a problem as the US knows and everyone stands at bus stops now waiting for buses nothing else. You have grasped the wrong end of the stick and it's the shitty end. Perhaps this can explain what you think you know. I notice that you don't quote your sources, please, you don't live or work here you actually have no idea what is happening here, I suspect you also believe our cities have no go areas for non Muslims too ( a hint, they really don't)
Whatever happened to London's knife-crime epidemic?
"While there are myriad statistics available to paint whatever picture you want, most criminologists agree that violent crime has been in persistent decline since the mid-1990s."

Oh dear me, someone has their nickers in a twist. And that's odd because you don't read my posts, at least that's what you've stated. Oh, perhaps someone told you again?

Let's see,

I notice that you don't quote your sources,

Actually I did. Sir Peter Boatman who was Chief Inspector of the North Hamptonshire P.D. using traffic and street surveillance footage from several of your major cities. This was not gang on gang, unless all those folks walking down the street and/or waiting for the bus were gang members?

you don't live or work here you actually have no idea what is happening here

Actually I have lived and worked in Great Britain while in the military (Mildenhall AFB). I am half British on my Grandmothers side and have family in London and several other parts of London. I also have members of my SEP forum that live in Great Britain. None of them paint the rosy picture you do.

I think you're carrying a rather large chip on your shoulder. That's a shame. But as always, very nice talking with you and have a lovely day.
Knife crime however is going down...

Let's see, knife and gun violence up 14%, rape up 36%, violence against persons up 26%. How's your end of the stick Tez? Mine is clean as a whistle.

Homicides in England and Wales up 14%

After UK Gun Ban, Knife Murders Skyrocket - UK Urges “Save a Life–Surrender Your Knife” - Freedom Outpost

Matt Vespa - In The UK, Guns Aren't The Problem, It's Knives. And The Number Of Attacks Are Surging

And how could gun violence be one in G.B. is allowed to have a handgun?
Peter Boatman (he was not knighted by the way) is a discredited former police officer with the Northamptonshire police who committed suicide after he was discredited. He wasn't police officer for very long and became a businessman.
I do not paint a 'rosy' picture, I paint a realistic one. Your friends will of course agree with you as you know, birds of a feather etc.
No, I don't have a chip on my shoulder, I have a deep dislike of people who twist things to make them say what they want them to say, I dislike people who preach that they know best, I dislike people who think they can patronise and who frankly are just plain smarmy.
That you were at Mildenhall is of no account, it's an outpost of the USA and not the UK, you will of course still believe what you want to.
Oh and yes I am kept very well informed of your postings when they concern things about the UK.

Oh and it's 'knickers' and mine are firmed untwisted and do you think you should be making lewd comments on here anyway....................... you never fail to amuse.