Lech Walesa, not an OWS'er, he has more sense.


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Well, Breitbart's sites have saved Lech Walesa from joining the socialists, anarchists and outright commies on Wall street. Here is the story...

plus other news sources, rapidly we painted an accurate picture of the groups training, leading, and organizing the “movement.” The movement is organized by anarchists, Code Pink, the American Communist movement, jihadists, anti-Israel, socialist, and anti- free enterprise interests. OWS folks are politically to the left of President Barack Obama.
At the Lech Walesa Institute Foundation in Warsaw, they were thankful to receive this information.
Based on our discussion and intervention, President Walesa is not going to get involved with the OWS. He is not comfortable with the “organizations” behind the movement. It was not a difficult discussion.
Well, Breitbart's sites have saved Lech Walesa from joining the socialists, anarchists and outright commies on Wall street. Here is the story...


Oh, thank heaven, Breitbard to the rescue.

Considering that Lech Walesa has been politically active since long before anybody ever thought of you or the internet, when doing so put his very life in danger, but most definitely his freedom.
In case you do not know, he is as blue collar as they get, a former shipyard worker.

I am sure he will appreciate keyboard activists covering his behind for him.
Not exactly a commie friendly person is he. He has more perspective on communism and what it actually is than those silly people on Wall street.
Not exactly a commie friendly person is he. He has more perspective on communism and what it actually is than those silly people on Wall street.

Well, he was UNION....considering your analogy, that's as commy as it gets...or was it criminal?

However you spin it, he does not need Breitbart to defend him. He has his own accomplishments.
breitbarts guys apparently just clarified the people who make up OWS and helped his people see past the main stream media spin of the people protesting.
Precisely, Gran - a real political activist and a force to be reckoned with rather than some media ... {seems I ran out of nice words there, sorry}.

Lech also had a mighty moustache in his younger days, something to be revered in these 'airbrushed' times :D.
From the article...

As a man primarily responsible for vanquishing communism in Poland, Walesa has a personal bent toward helping the underdog and the downtrodden.
This spring, when President Obama visited Poland, President Walesa refused to meet with him.
In January of 2010, Lech Walesa endorsed my campaign for Governor of Illinois and made national news when he forewarned… “America is sliding toward socialism.” Watch his remarks below:
Ah Breibart and it's little friends...who put Prince Harry's life at risk while he was on deployment in Afghanistan, thanks fellas, nice thing to do to an Ally, was it not? And now it's saved Lech Walesa from supporting the OWS, wow, only the feeble minded could actually believe that.
The European media has been carrying stories that are quite fair to all sides, proper reporting really.

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