Last night at Lumpini

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
I went back to Lumpini stadium last night to watch the Muay Thai fights and it was much better than last time. I've been twice so now I know some nights are just more exciting than others. Also, we got in for free and got free beer/drinks and snacks all night long (too bad I dont drink) because we went with the Fairtex crew and the owner paid for everything for us. We even sat in the front row at ring side. It was truly amazing to watch and cheer on 4 of the fighters from Fairtex that we had been training with side by side all week. It was like we were part of the team. There are very distinctive cheers that the Thai's shout depending on what technique is being used. Like for a kick that gets past a fighters defences we all yell AWAAAAAAYYYY!!! I spelled it phonetically. All in all it wa an amazing night and after that we all went out with the trainers to a "disco". I'm not to fond of dance bars but I was soooooo glad I went. Unlike alot of places I had been, this bar had absolutely no foreigners (except us). There must have been 2000 - 3000 people at this bar. At one point one of the live bands welcomed "the Canadians" and suddenly I was a celebrity. I couldnt walk anywere without men wanting to shake my hand and buy me a drink...(too bad I dont drink) and women smiling at me and grabbing my hand. I just smiled politely and kept walking. We had a blast with the trainers and it was a real eye opener to see they are just like regular people because when you train with them you think of them as pretty serious machines of pain. Now that I have partied with them I will definately be going back to train another week at least at Fairtex over the next month and a half. I think knowing them a little better will open up some new doors to my training with them. Honestly I want them to kick my *** a little more next time because they are very careful (too careful sometimes) when we spar. They are careful because if they unleashed they could seriously hurt me. But I learn best when there is a definate element of danger involved. We shall see I guess.

I'll post any new Muay Thai updates soon and pictures should be up on my website any day now.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
It's neat that they treated you like a celebrity! Sounds like you're having a once-in-a-lifetime trip!