Kungfu Hermit life in China?

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Getting back to the essence of life and things around me.

You do not need to become a poor person in China to do this. Meditate, go to church, be with your family, sleep on the ground in your own country. Do what you want to be spiritual but the "essence of life" as you put it can only be discovered from within. You are having an exestential deilema. Going to a new place will not solve it. Only prayer, meditation, and counseling will.

Getting a meal made of ingredients that grew somewhere around me in the traditional way after 1 or 2 days without food is far more satisfaction for me than anything in the modern life style I live most of the time.

Why not start your own garden? Grow your own food, it could be theraputic.

No wonder people take drugs and get addicted to shallow internet games and a sex society.

You said you are not american, so I don't know what you culture is, but the modern world is no greater or worse in an objective sense than the ancient world. Circumstances are different and you may feel that the values you have are not reflected in society, but that is not necessarily the case. It is more likely that you simply do not see your values in society.

Going as far as I plan to isn't something I'd recommend either but it is where I want to start over from.

The fact that you wouldn't recomend this life style to others suggests that at least part of you knows how bad of an idea it really is.

Seeing as how I always screw up the quote feature when trying to quote multiple posts I will just copy and paste what Fenglong wrote and shade it in purple.

Well I got some experience with different kinds of life in China, I know how to find my way around and I know how to get some cash/food/bed.

How do you know these methods of providing yourself are still available or will be permanently available to you?

Why do some people feel the need to do certain things that seem unnecessarily dangerous?

It's common in young people as they often seek adventure. In older people it is usually the result of an unfullfilled life or they could be manic, depressed, or delusional.

I believe because it is part of a certain life style and perception of reality. I guess certain people put goals and life style above safety, and so do I.

A certain lifestyle that is dangerous and has a different perception of reality? That to me is exactly what my clients with bipolar, schizophrenia, or are addicted to drugs say. I'm not saying you have any of those conditions, but your mindset seems similar to that.

I'm all for living for something meaningful. Life is precious, only put it at risk when absolutely necessary and for a greater cause.

I do hope you understand that I only answer all these questions on a forum to understand myself better as well, not to satisfy anyone else.

Go to a counselor, that is what they are for. Seeing a counselor does not mean you are crazy or that you are "broken" or any other of the sterotypes people put on being in the mental health field. They will help you understand yourself better than an internet forum.

Maybe I have simply been through things in life that opened my eyes for the really important things in life, or maybe I just am suicidal, who knows.

What are the important things in life to you? For me it is the 3 fs: faith, family, friends. Do you not have these things, or do they simply not matter to you?

Your idea is incredibly dangerous and unrealistic. I am not trying to be mean or discourage you from your dreams. If you want to go to China, then go, but make it a vacation and not your whole life!
Jeez... I go to the beach for a week & the places looses all sense of reality in a board member...

Oh well... mun jai...
Welcome to China!
i just wonder that how will you improve your CMA without instructors and partners?
Welcome to China!
i just wonder that how will you improve your CMA without instructors and partners?

en, xiexie...

Well with all the immature trolls in here spamming their personal narrow-minded opinion over and over again, whether someone cares or not, not able to actually read and thus constantly responding with their meaningless opinion to threads saying "if you are interested to join me, please contact me" it is rather difficult to find pure information here.

As I posted in another thread I am working on my own MA concepts and it is all I want to practice really.
I am also considering to get Chinese citizenship although I am concerned there might be a property requirement.
Do you know anything more about that?
Thanks in advance.

!I do not feel like replying to trolls and arrogant numbnuts anymore, if you only btch and whine like a little baby because I won't adapt to your personal opinion, I will simply ignore you. I am not a babysitter, so please do us all a favor and give up the attempt to teach me lessons, thanks!
See how that works for you in an otherwise safe environment. You can do this at home, you don't need to go to China to do this but you are too myopic to see it.

I personally suspect you are in love with the romantic notion of this and you want to blather on the internet about it, but you are too chicken to try it for real. You are all just talk and no action.

I suspect this is where the heart of the matter is.
Everything you described so far, there is not a single reasons to go to a country where westerners have very slim survival conditions for the context you described. If you don't train with a CMA teacher, there is zero reason for you to go to China. If you are serious about trying this, go to idaho, buy a plot of land, and go and be one with nature while training.

Alternatively, admit that this is just a fantasy that you are never going to actually go through with. Being here on the internet talking to us is the opposite of what you are talking about so as long as you are still here, you're all talk and no substance.
en, xiexie...

Well with all the immature trolls in here spamming their personal narrow-minded opinion over and over again, whether someone cares or not, not able to actually read and thus constantly responding with their meaningless opinion to threads saying "if you are interested to join me, please contact me" it is rather difficult to find pure information here.

As I posted in another thread I am working on my own MA concepts and it is all I want to practice really.
I am also considering to get Chinese citizenship although I am concerned there might be a property requirement.
Do you know anything more about that?
Thanks in advance.

!I do not feel like replying to trolls and arrogant numbnuts anymore, if you only btch and whine like a little baby because I won't adapt to your personal opinion, I will simply ignore you. I am not a babysitter, so please do us all a favor and give up the attempt to teach me lessons, thanks!

I think it is fair to say that productive discussion is killed at this point so I am closing it pending administrative review.
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