Kung fuhand set



Could anyone let me know if there are any good "hand sets" in the Kung Fu style? Any information would be very welcome.

Thanks again for your posts to my last question.

I think it may help if you were a little more specific, since there are a great many hand sets in the Chinese martial arts. Any particular qualities you're looking for? From any particular system? Just hands, or is the occasional kick alright?

Thanks for the response.

An occasional kick would be alright, but the majority of what I am looking for is more along the lines of hand strikes/hand coordination. Most of the Kung Fu that I am associated with and used to is Shaolin Chuan Fa (northern style).

I have seen the hand/finger set in Kenpo and would like to find something similar in Kung Fu--no particular "style", but something from a Kung Fu style instead of the Karate "flavor".

Hopefully, that makes some sense.

Obvious arts to look at include Chuka Shaolin, Southern Praying Mantis, and Wing Chun; there are books available on all of these and videos for at least the last two. The first two use the Phoneix-eye fist and these arts seem to be hand-oriented; others that use it are Pangainoon (essentially, Uechi-ryu karate, for which you may find the kata as video clips here) and Bak Mei.
There are also the northern and southern white crane, gray crane , black crane, and tibetan white crane systems! Ami Tou Fou! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce! :asian: