Kung Fu Panda and this old PSone game called Tai Fu.

Orange Lightning

Purple Belt
Everyone has watched Kung Fu Panda right?

Well it's the best. You got your Kung Fu and hilarity and Jack Black. What's not to like?

I was always kind of curious about it though. In one respect. The story is that, Po, the panda, needs to fight Tai Lung, the snow leopard, to prevent him from getting the Dragon Scroll, which has ultimate power. So he trains at a monastery run by the red panda Shifu, and befriends a tiger, mantis, monkey, snake, and crane.

Tai Fu was this awesome PSone game I got a lot of mileage out of when I was a kid.


The story is that, Tai Fu, the tiger, grew up in a monastery with pandas, training in Kung Fu. The Dragon Master, the most powerful master of all the races, comes and kills his panda buddies and Tai Fu seeks revenge. Having already learned (panda/tiger?), he goes and learns kung fu from the leopard, mantis, monkey, and crane masters, kills lots of snake minions who have allied with the Dragon Master along the way, and the last secrets of tiger from his dead spirit father. He does that all without a training montage too. xD

So, there are a lot of similarities and I always wondered if the people who worked on Kung Fu panda were inspired by this game.
Turns out, yeah, that's exactly correct. According to Wikipedia, It became one of the influences for Dreamworks Animation on Kung Fu Panda, and the CEO of Dreamworks Animation, Jeffrey Katzenberg, worked on both the game and the movie.

Cool right? :D
I watch Kung Fu Panda because it is fun to watch how the simple, sweet and rather rounded Panda bumbles his way through almost everything and yet always has a positive attitude and comes out on top in the end
That is unfortunate.
I hope you at least had Ninja Gaiden Black. It's kind of classic action game masterpiece to which all others are compared. :cat:

Yes I did have that. Not really much of button smasher, more shoot and scoot with kb and mouse. I struggled with The Force Unleashed and a 360 controller with the combinations. Very retro still :) my fave shooter is still CoD 2
Yes I did have that. Not really much of button smasher, more shoot and scoot with kb and mouse. I struggled with The Force Unleashed and a 360 controller with the combinations. Very retro still :) my fave shooter is still CoD 2

I don't get why people call action games "button smashers". It's not like they aren't sophisticated. :)

I like some shooters. Not too many. I'll play some Halo, or a little Cod or Battlefield at a friend's house, but I don't really buy them for myself. Ever play Star Wars Battlefront 2? I played the crap out of that one.
I like a lot of retro stuff too though.
Play any fighting games? xD I grew up with Tekken, Soul Calibur, and Virtual Fighter. :D Honestly, I found them inspiring when I was a kid.
Here's a great few not many people know about. Bushido Blade for the PS1, and Kengo: Master of the Blade for PS2. Probably the best console swordfighters I've ever played. Especially as far as realism is concerned. I'm not one of those people that wants realistic depictions for everything in their games, but when it's obvious that they're trying to be at least in that area, it REALLY helps for them to know their stuff. (SWORDS DID NOT WEIGH 20 POUNDS.) It's crazy how many people actually believe that swords weighed so much.
I don't get why people call action games "button smashers". It's not like they aren't sophisticated. :)

I like some shooters. Not too many. I'll play some Halo, or a little Cod or Battlefield at a friend's house, but I don't really buy them for myself. Ever play Star Wars Battlefront 2? I played the crap out of that one.
I like a lot of retro stuff too though.
Play any fighting games? xD I grew up with Tekken, Soul Calibur, and Virtual Fighter. :D Honestly, I found them inspiring when I was a kid.
Here's a great few not many people know about. Bushido Blade for the PS1, and Kengo: Master of the Blade for PS2. Probably the best console swordfighters I've ever played. Especially as far as realism is concerned. I'm not one of those people that wants realistic depictions for everything in their games, but when it's obvious that they're trying to be at least in that area, it REALLY helps for them to know their stuff. (SWORDS DID NOT WEIGH 20 POUNDS.) It's crazy how many people actually believe that swords weighed so much.

Supposed the term button smashers come from the arcade days. I never to be able to get combos down on a controller. So much easier with mapped keys. Yeah I played the last iteration of halo on the 360, around the time of Skyrim. Do you ever play elite frontier at all, so much fun. Used to make a sackful of cash selling gem stones.
Supposed the term button smashers come from the arcade days. I never to be able to get combos down on a controller. So much easier with mapped keys. Yeah I played the last iteration of halo on the 360, around the time of Skyrim. Do you ever play elite frontier at all, so much fun. Used to make a sackful of cash selling gem stones.

Putting in combinations is harder for you on a controller? Hm...
I haven't been to too many arcades. I've mostly done my gaming on consoles nowadays PCs. My dad used to go to the arcade a lot though, and he holds the controller sort of how you're supposed to put your fingers on the arcade machine. With your right hand fingers on the buttons instead of your thumb? Like how you're supposed to hold a SEGA controller? Do you do that too? It would definitely harder to do combinations with your fingers than it is with your thumb.

I've often thought that I enjoyed action and fighting games so much because it lets me master a system of great depth. Sort of like MA. Clearly, this is not the case for everyone. :P
I once heard someone say that they weren't into shooters or action games or anything of that nature, despite being both a gamer and into MA, guns, etc. The reason they had for this was that the game was always going to be less in depth and fun than real life, so they stuck to games like Animal Crossing where there wasn't a certain expectation or standard to be met. :)
Putting in combinations is harder for you on a controller? Hm...
I haven't been to too many arcades. I've mostly done my gaming on consoles nowadays PCs. My dad used to go to the arcade a lot though, and he holds the controller sort of how you're supposed to put your fingers on the arcade machine. With your right hand fingers on the buttons instead of your thumb? Like how you're supposed to hold a SEGA controller? Do you do that too? It would definitely harder to do combinations with your fingers than it is with your thumb.

I've often thought that I enjoyed action and fighting games so much because it lets me master a system of great depth. Sort of like MA. Clearly, this is not the case for everyone. :p
I once heard someone say that they weren't into shooters or action games or anything of that nature, despite being both a gamer and into MA, guns, etc. The reason they had for this was that the game was always going to be less in depth and fun than real life, so they stuck to games like Animal Crossing where there wasn't a certain expectation or standard to be met. :)

Not sure what it is really. I used to find easy combos like - special skills activate, then press A+B. There was lightsaber move in FU that you put a bit of force lightening through. That was fine, but if A+B plus tap C etc, I am just not quick enough with the fingers. Remember on the Megadrive with Altered Beast, a thing even then. Have always been more fluid on a gaming rig. Funny really, games that require slow and careful concentration like sniper games I am pretty good at, or shoot and blow everything up with a MG :D