Kukkiwon instructors license course


2nd Black Belt
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
san diego
Is anyone on here going to the course in October? Just curious. I realize that it is not for everyone nor is it mandatory. I just like attending courses governed by the Kukkiwon TKD academy. It is cheaper than travelling to Korea. I heard last week that I will need to bring a Criminal background check as well as ARC first aid/cpr certification.
Has anyone been to one of these b4?
I'm going to be there. I haven't done it before, however. I was planning to go next summer in Korea when I heard about the opportunity in my hometown. I wasn't going to pass it up. I'm really excited!:ultracool
i really wanted to go. As fate would have it, out of the 365 days out of the year, I have plans that conflict with the dates.
I just returned from the course in Korea last week. I really don't see how they can fit everything we did into a weekend course. On Wednesday & Thursday we were training poomsae until 7:30 at night. But if they can It is a good oppertunity.
I just returned from the course in Korea last week. I really don't see how they can fit everything we did into a weekend course. On Wednesday & Thursday we were training poomsae until 7:30 at night. But if they can It is a good oppertunity.
What did they teach? I am not worried about the Poomsae as I have been to 3 KKW poomsae seminars in the last year and had to make very few adjustments. What other material do they cover? I hope they don't want us to recite every technique in Korean. With few exceptions my GM's have always taught in English.
What did they teach? I am not worried about the Poomsae as I have been to 3 KKW poomsae seminars in the last year and had to make very few adjustments. What other material do they cover? I hope they don't want us to recite every technique in Korean. With few exceptions my GM's have always taught in English.

We recieved a course book that included: Basic movement,NRP,TKD counceling,Demo,Poomsae,First aid,school mangement,WTF rules for sparring & poomsae,advancement rules and testing proceedures and some more I can think of right now. All the moves that they teach are in Korean ( block,punch & stances) just make sure you know the commmand for Stand up & sit down.
I wanted to go to this but I will be going to Korea from Nov 9-17 and will be using the rest of my vacation days for that. Since this will be taking up one full friday I have no vacation time to spare. :( However, I am going to try to make it out there in the evening time to visit with some people.
I am going as a refresher as it was 5 years (where does the time go?) since I took the course in Korea. I have at least 2 3rd dans going as well. I too don't know how the KKW will fit a week's worth of stuff in 3 days, but it will be a great educational opportunity.
Alright I am going! But I'll be all by myself so some of you guys better sit by me!! :)
Alright I am going! But I'll be all by myself so some of you guys better sit by me!! :)

Yeah Lauren!!!! It's gonna be a small group, so I'm sure it won't be a problem. Besides, all of us MT folks will have plenty to talk about.:ultracool