KT:What was SGM Parker's reasoning behind the forms?

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What was SGM Parker's reasoning behind the forms?
By Kenposoldier01 - 06-30-2013 08:14 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


Can anyone posit a theory as to what SGM Parker's reasoning/thought process was in developing the various forms? I'm particularly interested in the purpose(s) behind the technique forms. Feel free to tap into any first generation students of SGM Parker that you may be connected to and share that insight or posit your own theory as it is totally OK to be wrong or to state something that others don't agree with, (happens all the time, no reason for anyone to get bent out of shape lol) I still see it as good food for thought.

One of the things I have herd stated in the past is:

(a) The forms are just busy work created mostly to satisfy the traditional martial arts community that judged Mr. Parker's System as not being a real martial art because it lacked forms.

I feel this is wrong because SGM Parker was proud of his rebel status and was definitely not bound by tradition. I highly doubt he put things into his system that did not have any value or some positive benefits. I'd say that if it is part of American Kenpo it is more then likely a powerful training tool when fully understood and practiced under a qualified instructor. What do you think?

~Sami Ibrahim


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