KT:Weapon Defense at Orange Belt

Clark Kent

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Weapon Defense at Orange Belt
By J Ellis - 06-01-2010 09:19 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


The 16 and 24 technique EPAK curriculums (at least, as I've seen them structured) do not include a technique for defending against a weapon at the Orange Belt level. On the surface, this is a bit curious since the category has already been introduced at Yellow Belt.

Why do you think there isn't a technique for defending against a weapon included in the Orange Belt curriculum, and/or do you/does your school address weapon defenses at this level?

I have my own thoughts, but I'm interested in hearing what wiser heads have to say.



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In my school, we moved "Checking the Storm" up to green belt and replaced it with the two falling techniques "Leap From Danger" and "Encounter With Danger".

The way I see it, and my staff agreed, I don't want any white, yellow or orange belt thinking any defense against a weapon other than hasty retreat. The last thing I want is a novice thinking they have the training to step to a club or knife.

FYI, we moved the falling techniques because, IMO, falling skills are the single most applicable physical self defense technique we teach. It's been years since I got in a fight, but I fall down every six months or so.