KT:The Kenpo Hands

Clark Kent

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The Kenpo Hands
By WhiteCrane - 06-02-2010 12:48 AM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


Please forgive me for my ignorance (I'm not a EPAK student) but I couldn't help but notice that most all American Kenpo students have a particular hand position. In many of the clips I've seen, especially when crossing out, the EPAK practitioner will extend his or her first two fingers on each hand and the thumb. I also see this often when they assume a crane stance or get in a ready stance. So my question is does this have any special significance or is it simply a habit adopted from Mr. Parker?


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Try a little experiment. Stand in a fighting stance. First do so with closed fist. Next try it with the "Kenpo Hands". Take note of the way you tighten your ab section more with the Fierce Tiger Claws. Practioners used a training excercise called, piercing beans (handing striking into barrel or beans). Then this was practiced in the air with “Fierce Tiger Cleansing Claws”. It helped the student learn to transfer energy from the abdomen to the hands. As Doc mentioned on KenpoTalk, associated with Tiger-Crane.

Some great info on this subject can be found here...

Now over the years I have seen variations on the hand posture and the explaination of why. :)

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